Transport Public Hospital Bus Passes

Conference notes that pensioners who are sent to hospital long distances from their homes are being denied hospital transport. Large parts of the country have no direct public transport to hospitals, forcing some pensioners to pay as much as £100 return taxi fare to attend a hospital appointment. Even pensioners needing chemotherapy treatment for cancer […]


Conference calls upon the National Executive Council and the National Retired Members’ Committee to pressurise local authorities to stop the closure of public conveniences, as this particularly affects the older people and the disabled. Provision of toilets should be a statutory requirement for local authorities.

Elder Abuse: Human Rights in Private Care Homes

In view of the fact that the rights of elderly people in private rest homes are not covered by the Human Rights Act, Conference urges the National Retired Members’ Committee to take note of recent well documented cases of abuse of elderly people in these institutions and to campaign for the section of the Human […]

Council Tax

Conference believes that council tax is an inherently unfair tax which does not properly reflect people’s ability to pay. More importantly it is not based on an equitable system for calculating amounts that should be paid. This is most clearly demonstrated by the current system of council tax collection, which specifically affects pensioners who pay […]

Fuel Poverty

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, in his March 2006 budget, totally ignored the needs of pensioners coping with higher fuel bills. Fuel poverty is described as being when a household spends at least 10 percent of its income on fuel costs. The fuel allowance, which has remained at £200 since 2003, was not […]

Utilities V Pensions

Once again, this vital issue is being raised at this Conference. Pensioners across the country are now facing yet again massive increases in utility bills. The increases in occupational and Government pensions do not meet the increases imposed by the utilities. This Conference instructs the National Retired Members Committee and calls on the National Executive […]

Annual Report

National Retired Members Conference is to be congratulated on producing the Annual Report for questioning by members in advance of the National Retired Members Conference. However, the time scale for questioning in 2006 was inadequate. There does not appear to be any reason why the Annual Report is not circulated to retired members in June. […]

Homecare Services

Conference notes with despair the continuing outsourcing of local authority services. Many of the services have a direct effect upon retired members. The latest services currently being targeted for privatisation is homecare. Retired citizens are the major users of this service. Conference therefore , whilst congratulating UNISON on its Save Our Homecare Services Campaign which […]

Save Our Services

Conference notes with deep concern the government’s continuing commitment to the private provision of public services. In every part of the public sector from schools and hospitals to housing and benefits the government is pushing ahead with privatisation and outsourcing. In the National Health Service (NHS), the government appears committed to privatisation by stealth. At […]

Local Government White Paper

Conference notes that the 2006 Local Government White Paper has major implications for thousands of UNISON members not just in local government, but in health, education policing, transport and other areas. It also affects all our members as local citizens. Conference also notes that the agenda set out in the White Paper, and the subsequent […]

UNISON Commitment to the Environment

Conference welcomes the environmental campaign work that UNISON has undertaken over the previous year. Our union has a strong record on the environment, which has included both work place specific activities, such as negotiating green travel plans, cycle to work schemes and re-cycling facilities, and support for national and international campaigns, such as the call […]

Organising Migrant Workers in the UK

Conference applauds the work that UNISON has done recently in respect of organising, representing, protecting and supporting migrant workers. Conference calls on UNISON to continue its positive response to inward migration, and to take this opportunity to recruit and organise these, often vulnerable, workers. UNISON has provided recruitment and information materials in several languages, set […]

Organising and Recruiting

Conference believes the priority for UNISON is to organise and grow and eventually become a union of two million public service members because unless we grow in numbers and density we cannot grow in influence with employers, the government and other agencies. A growing union is the most effective way of improving the working lives […]

Review of Branch and Service Group Structures

Conference approves the recommendations contained in the National Executive Council’s report on the Review of Branch and Service Group Structures: Recommendation 1. National Executive Council (NEC) to produce a revised scheme as per rule G 1.2 to ensure that branches: a)give members a right to participate in their union; b)give members a right to be […]

Marketisation of Public Services

Conference believes that the marketisation of public services threatens the advances that have been made in the last 10 years, brought about as a result of a major investment and reform programme resulting in a dramatic cut in NHS waiting lists and waiting times, rising school standards, falling crime, safer communities and improvements in local […]