Local Government NJC Pay Dispute 2008 and Future Pay Strategy

Government policy to hold down pay for Council workers as outlined in the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review for 2007-2011 is set to continue beyond this period. The pre budget report in November 2008 calls for “continued discipline” and multi year pay deals. This is part of the Government’s objective to control local government spending to […]

Recruit, Recruit

It is clear from the 2008 NJC and SJC pay disputes that our low density in many local authorities and outsourced local government services undermines our bargaining power at local and at national level. The LGA is controlled by the Conservatives, out of a total of 440 local authorities; the majority of local authorities are […]

Growing Crisis in Social Work

Conference notes with alarm the mounting pressures on social workers and condemns the witch-hunts and vilification against social workers waged by parts of the media. They ignore the facts and the pressures in favour of finding easy targets to blame. Both Government and Opposition politicians have equally cynically fuelled the media campaign, often in direct […]

Future of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs)

Conference condemns the remarks of Shadow Home Secretary Christopher Grayling on the future of PCSOs under a Conservative Government. In an interview given to the Yorkshire Post, published on 5 May 2009, Mr Grayling said: “Doing away with PCSOs is something I’m looking at the moment. I’m minded to say that decisions about their futures […]

Campaign to Keep the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

Conference notes that Eric Pickles, former Shadow Local Government Minister and David Cameron, Leader of the Conservative Party, have both publicly stated that a Conservative Government would end the final salary LGPS. Furthermore, discussions about setting an inferior Defined Contribution Scheme to replace the LGPS have taken place across political groupings within the Local Government […]


One million people will develop dementia in the next ten years. One in three people over the age of 65 will die from dementia, but it can happen at any age. Drugs may alleviate some symptoms but dementia can be defeated. For every £283 invested in cancer research dementia gets only £11! Conference therefore instructs […]


This Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to investigate the matter of conference accommodation bearing in mind the difficulties encountered at the 2008 conference venue, namely the Crowne Plaza in Glasgow, by some delegates. The conference section had booked a number of rooms at special rates and after those had been allocated delegates were […]


Conference notes with concern that despite UNISON’s support for Composite 6 on the state pension and restoring the link to earnings for increases carried at the 2006 TUC Conference, nothing tangible has taken place to improve the lot of today’s pensioners. According to a recent independent report on ‘Households below average income level’, more than […]


Conference is aware that whilst the national pension is held at a level below the Government’s declared poverty level many of our members are experiencing financial difficulties. Low paid and part-time women workers are retiring and finding that their combined national and occupational pensions leave them needing to apply for benefits in order to reach […]

Access to Work

This Conference notes that many disabled people are unemployed and find it difficult to obtain work. Some employers, particularly those in the Private Sector, see disabled people as an ‘expensive’ choice due to the need for access arrangements. The current economic climate means that it is now even more likely that employers will not take […]

Support Members in Childrens Services

This Conference agrees t support their colleagues in Children’s Services with regard to the unacceptance working conditions those workers are enduring at present. These conditions include: 1)Unacceptably heavy case loads 2)Pressure not to practice professionally and in the prime interests of children, with assessment of need being secondary to what financial resources are available. 3)Cases […]

Funding in the Community and Voluntary Sector

Conference notes that while the financial situation has tightened considerably in all local government funded services, it is often the community and voluntary sector which is hit hardest by funding constraints. Local authorities often turn to voluntary sector partners first when cuts need to be made, and the result is that voluntary organisations have to […]

Personalisation of Social Care

Conference notes growing evidence of serious shortcomings in the implementation of ‘personalisation’ in social care. The primary focus of central governments and local authorities is the roll out of ‘cash for care’ schemes such as direct payments, personal budgets or individual budgets. Other aspects of personalisation such as early intervention and prevention of dependency have […]

Top Up Payments

This conference believes the introduction of top up payments for private treatments not available on the NHS will lead to a two-tiered healthcare system which already exists to some extent. This could lead to a situation where those who can afford to pay for the newer, more expensive treatments will get them and the poor […]

NHS Counter Fraud

Conference notes with concern the number of cases that are being handled by NHS Counter Fraud Service covering England and Wales and other agencies. Conference notes the lack of transparent guidelines on what cases are referred to NHS Counter Fraud Service and what cases are handled locally by employers. Conference also notes with concern the […]