Free Travel Pass

Conference believes that the provision of free travel is beneficial to the health and well-being of people over 60, and greatly enhances their quality of life. The government included in the 2005 budget, the introduction of free local bus travel for pensioners in April 2006. However, implementation has been costly and complicated. There have been […]


Conference, recognising current UNISON policy is firmly in favour of nuclear disarmament, is appalled by the intention of the United Kingdom (UK) government to replace the Trident nuclear weapon system. Conference recognises that the vote taken in the Westminster Parliament on 14 March does not signify the end of the process to replace Trident, with […]


Conference continues to be concerned at the growing housing crisis. The housing market is now such that in many areas home ownership is not an option for many of our members. Even “key worker” housing schemes are becoming unaffordable for the very key workers they were set up to help. Currently there are three million […]

Arms Trade

Conference notes that a survey undertaken by Campaign Against Arms Trade in 2006 revealed that the 99 United Kingdom (UK) local authority pension funds invested at least £723 million in the world’s eleven largest military-producing companies and the UK’s five largest weapons manufacturers. A number of these pension funds also held additional investments in pooled […]

Local Government Pension Scheme

This Conference congratulates the Local Government Service Group Executive on the work it has undertaken to protect local government workers pensions. We especially applaud the work of the UNISON negotiating team for their diligence in ensuring, wherever possible, equality for all participants. Our pension’s campaign is also concerned with the rights of disabled people; disabled […]

Local Government Pension Scheme

This Special Conference believes that the current package of proposals for the new LGPS represents substantial improvements in benefits for all UNISON members and their families, namely: ·The retention of a final salary scheme ·1/60 accrual rate ·A more flexible definition for period for pensionable pay ·Improved early retirement factors ·Pensions for unmarried partners ·Increased […]

Northern Ireland Peace Process

Conference welcomes the publication of the CAJ report ‘Equality in Northern Ireland – Rhetoric or Reality?’ and expresses its concern that, based on the government’s own data, patterns of discrimination and inequality continue to increase for the same areas and for the same groups as in the past. Conference is further concerned that some of […]

Schedule B 2 Rule Book Benefits

Sch B 2.8 Fatal Accident Benefit Delete paragraph 2.8.2 Entitlement , and replace with “2.8.2 Entitlement Completed years of continued membership £ Under 5 years 1,750 Over 5 and less than 15 3,500 Over 15 and less than 25 5,250 Over 25 7,000”

D6 Retired Members’ Organisation

D.6.4 After “Regional Retired Members” delete “Forum” and replace with “Committee” D.6.5 Delete “Retired Members’ Forum” and replace with “Regional Retired Members’ Committee” F.4 Regional Council F.4.3.3 Delete “Retired Members’ Forum” and replace with “Retired Members’ Committee” throughout F.4.4.3 and F.4.4.4 Delete “Retired Members’ Forum” and replace with “Regional Retired Members’ Committee F.5 Regional Committee […]

D2.4 Additional Members’ Seats

Rule D.2.4 Delete “Additional Members’ Seats” and replace with “Black Members’ Seats”

Public Services in the Developing World

UNISON, one of the largest public service trade unions in the world, is rightly proud of its strong record on championing quality public services and challenging privatisation in the UK. We also have a long history of international solidarity with sister unions around the world. These two aspects of our work are inextricably linked. In […]


Rule D 3.7.1 Insert “and D 3.7.5” after “D 3.7.4” Add “D 3.7.5 D 3.7.5 The National Executive Council shall have the power to establish cross service sectors representing members in two or more service groups as the basis for policy formation, collective bargaining and the representation of occupational and professional issues. .1The organisation and […]

D3.4 Service Group Conference

Rule D 3.4.6, Add new “D. representatives of each Service Group Regional Committee.” Re-number remaining points

Child Poverty/Anti Poverty Strategy

Conference acknowledges the fact that the number of children growing up in poverty has fallen by 700,000 since 1997, but notes that if the target of reducing the level of child poverty to half the level of 1998/99 by 2010-11 is to be met a further one million children will need to be lifted out […]

Charter for Change for LGBT Equality

Conference welcomes advances in legislation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality. These include Gender Recognition and Civil Partnership, outlawing of sexual orientation discrimination in goods, facilities and services and the promised Single Equality Act, which should enact duties across all grounds to actively promote equality as well as combat discrimination. However, disadvantage and […]