What future for young people in local government?

Conference notes that a substantial proportion of the local government workforce is due to retire in the next 10 years, yet little is being done to encourage young people into the service. Cuts are leading to job losses and reducing the opportunities for young people to join the service. Conference believes that the attacks on […]


Conference notes with deep concern new research by UNISON on the disproportionate impact of public service cuts on Black workers. This research, conducted as part of UNISON’s Challenging Racism in the Workplace and piloted in Greater London in November- December 2011 and results of which were analysed in January 2012 showed that Black women working […]

Stephen Lawrence

Conference notes that on 3 January 2012, Stephen Lawrence and his parents finally received some justice, when Gary Dobson and David Norris were found guilty of his racist murder. Stephen Lawrence born on 13 September 1974, murdered by 5 white youths on 22 April 1993 just because he was Black – young and gifted. For […]

Resisting Attack and Seeking Justice for School Su

COMPOSITE D Resisting Attack and Seeking Justice for School Staff This Conference condemns the Conservative-Liberal Democratic coalition government for its treatment of school support staff, the majority of this workforce female and low paid. After decades of neglect and tireless campaigning by UNISON, the School Support Staff Negotiating Body (SSSNB) was established in England with […]

Devolution and the Impact on our Local Government

Composite C Devolution and the Impact on our Local Government Members Conference notes the developing debate on constitutional change within the nations and regions of the United Kingdom, particularly Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, particularly the further devolution of powers in Wales and the independence referendum in Scotland. Conference notes the union’s ‘Devolution Protocol for […]

Consultation on LGPS Proposals

This Conference welcomes the completion of the lengthy negotiations on the future of the LGPS and the opportunity for members to now individually and collectively determine their view on the proposals. Conference endorses the following position agreed by the LG Service Group Executive on 31st May 2012: “This SGE shares the frustration over delays in […]

LGPS 2014 Examples

Conference notes that proposals for the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) were released on 31 May 2012. Conference further notes that the factsheet “LGPS 2014 – Examples”, published on UNISON’s website on 31 May uses different assumptions for price and earnings growth than those used in the UNISON pensions calculator publicised in protect our pensions […]

Campaigning Against Government Pay Policy

COMPOSITE B CAMPAIGNING AGAINST GOVERNMENT PAY POLICY Conference condemns the Chancellor George Osborne’s statement in December 2011 that he was to ask pay review bodies to consider how public sector pay can vary from region to region, and present him with recommendations by July 2012. Additionally he stated that ‘the Minister for the Cabinet Office […]

Welfare Reform and Universal Credit

COMPOSITE A Welfare Reform and Universal Credit This conference recognises that the ConDem government are intent on undermining the welfare state through the provisions of the Welfare Reform Act. These proposals will have a significant impact on Housing Workers and Benefit Staff in Local Government across the UK. These proposals will adversely impact on jobs, […]


Today only twenty two per cent of MPs in the House of Commons and twenty per cent of members of the House of Lords are women. Compare this with Cuba where women hold thirty five per cent of parliamentary seats in the Cuban National Assembly. Therefore Cuba ranks sixth out of one hundred and sixty […]


Conference on 2 September 2011 Eric Pickles, the Secretary for Communities and Local Government new guidance called ‘A fair deal for the community and voluntary sector’. The guidance states councils should not carry out equality questionnaires and use the money saved to fund the community and voluntary sector. They claim that the questions asked about […]


For many years women have been the main carers within the home for their children, disabled and elderly parents. Women have fought for the right to be recognised and to be treated as equal to men. Many workplaces now have policies in place to enable employees to take time off work to care for their […]


Last year’s conference motion on Ovarian Cancer would have been a wake up call to women members unware of the necessity of early detection of ovarian cancer for there to be any reasonable chance of effective treatment. To be told one has cancer is terrifying enough, but for those whose cancers have no immediate symptoms […]


Conference acknowledges that UNISON publishes some valuable information and guidance material for branches, activists and members on a regular basis and on varying workplace issues and/or recruitment based materials. Yet conference believes that there is not enough UNISON material tailored specifically for women and that the design and format of existing publications for women sometimes […]


Conference will be aware that for some time we have been seeing in the public sector the increase in zero hours or permanent variable hours contracts, the majority of those being placed on such contracts are women. Sunderland Local Authority, in the Northern Region has been using variable contracts as a means of avoiding compulsory […]