Rule D – Structure of the union at national level

Conference wishes the following to be considered for one of the two motions and/or amendments to Rule to be submitted by the Retired Members’ Organisation to National Delegate Conference 2023 in accordance with Rule D.1.10.4.: Rule D – Structure of the union at national level In Rule D.2 – National Executive Council In D,2.1, insert […]

Amendments to SO 10.1

Amendments to SO 10.1 Delete the whole of the first sentence and replace with: “If, at the end of the Conference the business of conference has not been concluded, all outstanding motions and amendments shall stand referred to the National Retired Members’ Committee. The National Retired Members’ Committee in turn shall report back to the […]

We may be gone, but don’t let us be forgotten – U magazine, Lack of coverage of Retired Member Issues

Conference notes with disappointment the general lack of recognition for retired members and their issues in the national U magazine. Conference calls on the National Retired Members Committee to make representation within the wider union organisation to secure an improvement in this sorry situation.

New Amendment – 12

Add a new standing order as follows: Add a new standing order as follows: 12. AMENDMENT OF STANDING ORDERS 12.1 These standing orders may be amended by a resolution passed at a retired members’ conference by a two-thirds majority of those delegates voting in favour or, in the case of a card vote, at least […]

Campaign Communication

World War Two, the Coronavirus pandemic plus years of Conservative Government has had a devastating effect on Unison retired members. We receive one of the worst state pensions in Europe even though the UK is one of the richest countries in the world. When we reach the age of 80 we get an extra 25 […]

Public Transpot

Public Transport Many retired members rely on public transport for their day to day living, such as hospital and doctors appointments, shopping, visiting relatives and friends, attending social groups that may help with isolation and loneliness. However, recently retired members have seen a cut in bus services and less frequent services. This can mean they […]

Now is the time – A Commissioner for Older People in England.

Conference is only too aware having a UNISON steward to advocate in the workplace during difficult times for our members can mean all the difference in the world for outcomes in disciplinaries, grievances and potential dismissals. Having a Commissioner to advocate for Older People has the very same potential to make substantial changes which can […]

More consistent support for Retired Members’ activity

This Conference acknowledges the substantial financial and other support given by the union for UNISON retired members activity, e.g. Retired Members’ Conference, and its other democratic structures and activities, providing staff resources, etc. This Conference recognises, however, that the level of support is not consistent across all branches and regions, and that this can lead […]

Retired Members at Self-Organised Group Conferences – Six Years On

Conference recalls the resolution of the 2016 Retired Members’ Conference, motion 35 as amended, “Retired Members at Self-Organised Group Conferences” which instructed the National Retired Members’ Committee (NRMC) to: “seek the views of retired women members, retired Black members, retired disabled members and retired lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members and, subject to gaining their […]


Conference recalls the resolution of last year’s retired members conference, Ageism in a Covid Age (Motion 13 as amended.) The resolution called upon the Retired Members National Committee (RMNC) to work with the National Executive Council (NEC), Self-Organised Groups (SOGs), Young Members Organisation (YMO) and others to try to ensure that ageism is given priority […]


SCORES ON THE DOORS Conference notes that at the conclusion of each National Retired Members’ Conference there is a ballot of suitable motions from which the two with the highest votes are chosen to be submitted to next year’s National Delegate Conference by the National Retired Members’ Organisation. However, Conference notes that only the two […]


Conference recognises that it’s been nearly 2 years now since the BBC announced its intention to remove the free TV licence provision from the over 75s in 2020 [having been forced by the Conservative government to take over the funding of this social benefit]. Since then, the protests have never stopped! Groups including Age UK, […]


Conference is concerned that over at least the last 5 there has been regressive changes to the state and other pension provision and to benefits older people are entitled to, including 165,606 UNISON retired members Just now more than 12 million older people in receipt of the State Pension are worse off after the Government […]


This Conference notes that it has debated many motions over recent years on elderly social care. Everyone is aware of poor pay and training for staff; inadequate care for elderly people needing this help in residential and nursing homes or in their own home. There is a large turnover of care staff and this has […]

Card Only Transactions and Access to Cash

Conference notes that during the pandemic many organisations moved to introduce card only transactions in an effort to reduce the circulation of cash and therefore the risk of infection. Conference further notes that this practice is becoming more widespread which has the potential to cause serious difficulties for older people on limited incomes. Many older […]