The Environment Agency and major flooding incidents

Conference commends the incredible amount of hard work carried out by Environment Agency employees, including many UNISON members, (and employees from other organisations with flood relief responsibilities) during the flooding which took place in the final days of 2015 and the beginning of 2016. As a service group we are very proud that our members […]

Facility time

Conference, these are incredibly turbulent times in the public sector, especially those employers in the Water Environment and Transport Service Groups. Conference motions continue to reappear especially those of facility time, outsourcing and privatisation. Conference the nature of the barriers facing disabled workers is so diverse and complex this can affect how disabled people are […]

Stonewall workplace equality index

Conference notes that the charity Stonewall produces an annual workplace equality index, which it describes as an evidence-based benchmarking tool used by employers to assess their achievements and progress on lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) equality in the workplace. From 2016, they have pledged to also assess achievements and progress on transgender equality within the […]

Negotiating workplace domestic abuse policies

Conference notes that domestic abuse has been demonstrated to have a significant impact on business productivity and the UK economy. Government statistics demonstrate that: i. 1 in 5 women each year take time off work because of domestic abuse. ii. 2 in every one hundred will lose their jobs iii. of those who remain in […]

The impact of pension changes on workers in the WET sector

Conference notes that from 6 April 2016 the Basic State Pension and Second State Pension (S2P) will end and be combined/ replaced by a new State Pension. The majority of members in the WET service group are currently paying reduced rate NI Contributions because they are in a work place pension scheme that is better […]

Protecting Pensions in the Water Industry

This WET Conference notes that adverse changes have recently occurred to defined benefit (final salary) pension schemes in Severn Trent, Dwr Cymru, Northumbria Water and United Utilities as a minimum. The Water Industry has been a licence to make money since privatisation in 1989 when Thatcher wrote off all the debts and remains a monopolised […]

Ensuring the Living Wage for all in the Water Industry

WET Conference congratulates the Water Industry Sector Committee and the Executive for the work done to date in trying to ensure all within the Water Industry whether directly employed or via contract are paid the Living Wage. It cannot be right whereby two people sat side by side are paid different amounts, one the Living […]

Mental Health in WET Workplaces

This WET Conference congratulates the Environment Agency North West branch in running a pilot course backed by United Utilities branch in aiming to address mental health issues in workplaces covered by the WET service Group. Particularly in call centre environments, mental health can be a major issue caused by unrealistic timescales placed on employees including […]

Raising Standards of Cleanliness in NHS

This conference recognises the critical importance of maintaining and improving standards of cleanliness throughout the NHS with particular emphasis in clinical areas. A quality environment for health care should not be a luxury but an essential element of every patients treatment. UNISON members working in Hospital Cleaning Services have continually shown 100% commitment and professionalism […]

Partnership working within the NHS

Conference with this Tory led government posing massive threats to our trade union, with the new TU Bill that’s likely to become law this will put greater risks to the excellent partnership working that hospital NHS trusts and trades unions/staff side have built up over the years and worked hard to achieve. Whilst working with […]

Maintaining the Role of Administrative and Clerical Workers in the NHS

Conference recognises that the Government’s commitment to an Austerity Agenda combined with the increasing healthcare demands of an ageing population has led to immense financial and staffing pressures on the NHS. Conference notes that there have been attempts to reduce the Administrative and Clerical workforce, particularly as technological advances have meant that more and more […]

Revitalisation of Job Evaluation

Conference notes that since the introduction of AFC in 2004 UNISON members have benefitted from the implementation of a common set of terms and conditions and equality proofed grading structure. The system of job evaluation implemented alongside AFC was delivered in partnership and implemented with employers and trade unions working together to ensure fairness and […]

Access to learning, development and career progression for members working in Operational Services

Conference is concerned at the distinct lack of training, development and career progression opportunities available to NHS staff working in operational services roles, particularly those in pay bands 1-4. Investment and attention has always been focused on professionally qualified staff but in an NHS with ever changing ways of service delivery, operational services staff need […]

A fair deal for apprentices in the NHS

Conference notes that the NHS is employing an increasing number of apprentices. In England for example, there were nearly 15,000 apprentice starts in 2014/15 and Health Education England has set a target for the NHS in England to take on another 17,500 during 2015/16. This figure will increase further following the government’s recent introduction of […]

The NHS Funding Crisis

Conference is appalled at the ongoing under-funding of our NHS. Conference refutes the claims of the Westminster government to have protected the NHS from spending cuts. Conference asserts that since 2010 NHS spending has failed miserably to keep pace with the spiralling costs of healthcare caused by increased demand, an ageing population and expensive new […]