Vexatious Complaints

Conference notes with concern that a number of complaints relating to our members that could be considered as vexatious (purely to cause annoyance to the subject). We have seen examples within the workplace and from members of the public who have used the police complaints procedure to damage members, particularly where there is a relationship […]

Police Staff Health & Safety

Conference is concerned that Health & Safety within the service group has fallen down the priority list in recent years. Our members work in some of the most hazardous environments in public service. The need for the police service to reduce or eliminate the threats of such work has never been more prevalent. It is […]

Social Model of Disability in Policing

Conference notes and accepts that the social model of disability identifies that it is not an individual’s medical condition, but the attitudes of society that makes them disabled. The social model is a civil rights approach that suggests that if the workplace was set up in a way that was accessible for people with disabilities […]

Cost of Living

Conference recognises the nature of poverty has changed and that even people on what may be considered to be reasonable salaries are struggling and in need of support. Unrealistic rhetoric from politicians who are out of touch with reality, who use offensive commentary to describe people in need and how they should be living, drives […]

Funding Cuts and Ethnicity Pay Gap (EPG) in Police and Justice

Conference, funding cuts and the government’s long-delayed plans to address social inequalities is one of the major causes of in-work poverty experienced by Black Workers and the cause of severe inter-generational inequality in Black communities. Recent funding increases have not undone £15bn of cuts in central government grants to public services between 2010 and 2020, […]

Energy Sustainability and the Energy Crisis

We are all aware of the crisis we are facing in the energy industry. With energy cost increases set to continue, the invasion of Ukraine on the 24th February 2022 and continued sanctions on Russia causing gas shortages as well as the continued rise of inflation. It is no wonder that we are seeing more […]

Rule C Unemployed Members

C 2.4.2 After “Council” add: “providing they have not been dismissed from employment for any act of discrimination or harassment as defined in Rule I 2.3 (i) and (ii).”

Energy Market – Public Ownership of energy retail is key

Since de-regulation we have seen many suppliers come and go within the energy industry and while this was seen as a good thing competitively, there was little thought about the impacts on the energy workforce which has seen thousands of good jobs lost from the suppliers with strong union agreements in place. While inadequate regulations […]

The Future of the National Minimum Wage

Conference notes the pivotal leadership role that UNISON and its then general secretary Rodney Bickerstaffe played in establishing the National Minimum Wage (NMW). Conference further notes that the idea emerged from the real experience of low paid public service workers who continued to lose out during the economic turmoil of the 1970s and that it […]

Changes in National Grid

This energy service group Conference notes that significant changes are happening within National Grid that will impact UNISON members who work for the company. These changes include the purchase of WPD (western power distribution) the disposal of its Gas Transmission business and the possible disposal of the electricity system operator function. As a result of […]

Trans equality in Energy – louder and prouder!

The toxic debate ignited by the United Kingdom government’s consultation on reforming the Gender Recognition Act underlined the importance of our union, including branches in the energy service group, supporting and representing our trans members effectively Attacks on trans rights have escalated further in the past year. There has been a sustained attack on Stonewall’s […]

Net zero and LGBT+ members

Conference recalls that the “UNISON Energy workers and the drive to Net Zero and Carbon Neutrality by 2050” motion passed at the 2021 Energy conference highlighted the measures promoted by the service group which would retain and promote members jobs in the energy sector while driving the changes necessary to decarbonise energy and called on […]

Review of the Equality Act

Conference notes that the Equality Act 2010 has now been in place for over ten years and despite both the House of Lords and the United Nations stating that it fails disabled people there are still no plans for a review. The government’s recent Disability Strategy, published on 31 July last year, is a very […]

Not in Our Name

Conference is concerned about the impact resolutions agreed at a meeting of UNISON’s National Executive Council on 6 October 2021 have had, and could have, on our union and our members. These resolutions were added to the agenda despite advice from the legal department that four of these resolutions were in breach of UNISON rules, […]

Make 2022 the Year of Disabled Workers in Energy workplaces

Conference notes that UNISON has declared 2022 the year of disabled workers, which is a great opportunity for Energy branches to organise, bargain and campaign on the issues that matter to our disabled members and to increase recruitment and retention as a result. Energy branches can use 2022 to highlight the experience of our disabled […]