English Regional Assemblies

2004 is likely to be a significant year in determining the future governance of England as three regions hold a referendum on directly elected assemblies. UNISON has consistently opposed, and continues to resist, the reorganisation of local government that will take place following a yes vote. Over the past year UNISON has resisted the government’s […]

Choice, Equity and Accountabiilty in the NHS

Conference applauds the work of the union in campaigning against the introduction of foundation trusts and highlighting the marketisation of the NHS. Conference applauds in particular the sustained campaigning through the Labour Link which led to the overwheling rejection of foundation hospitals by the 2003 Labour party conference. Conference also recognises the important role played […]

Organising in the Community and Voluntary Sector

Conference notes that substantial progress has been made in recent years in improving UNISON’s membership base and organisation in the community and voluntary sector. At the end of 2003 UNISON membership in this sector had reached in excess of 42,000, a 40 per cent increase since the adoption by Conference of a national organising plan […]


Conference believes that the UK desperately needs investment in decent, affordable, secure and democratically accountable housing to provide first class homes for all that need them. Further deplores the failure of the UK’s respective governments to tackle the backlog of repairs to council homes. We now know that council housing in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland […]

Services for Children

Conference notes that, throughout the UK, services for children are under extreme pressure. In education, in social services, and in health care, despite the skills and dedication of hundreds of thousands of workers, the system is reaching breaking point and children and their families do not consistently receive the basic services required to ensure their […]


Conference recognises that the current TUPE regulations are flawed and are not effectively protecting our members who are transferred to other employers. Conference therefore calls on the Service Group Executive in conjunction with the General and Affiliated Political Funds to ensure that the TUPE regulations are amended to ensure that all employees who transfer to […]

Disparity Between Local Government Staff and Local Government School Based Staff

This Conference urges the Service Group Executive to enter into appropriate negotiations to put an end to the inequalities and unjust disparity between local government staff and local government school based staff. Such representation should seek the end of Local Management of Schools (LMS) and that staffing powers for schools be handed back to the […]

Negotiating an end to disability discrimination

This Local Government Conference applauds the work undertaken by UNISON’s National Disabled Members Committee to promote negotiated agreements that make provision for Disability Leave. We are concerned that there is no adequate legislative provision to compel employers who provide services in Local Government to disregard disability-related absence and the consequence of this in relation to […]

Independent Police Complaints Commission

This Conference has grave concerns that some forces are insisting on the implementation of the IPCC without a formal agreed national protocol covering the application of IPCC procedures to police staff. This Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1)ensure a national protocol is correctly negotiated and passes through our governing body, the PSC; 2)work […]

Council for the Registration of Forensic Practitioners

Conference is appalled at the pressure being put by scientific support managers on our members to become members of this Register. Conference is further concerned that some UNISON members/branches may not be aware of who the Executive Body is and what qualifications they hold to assess, investigate and sanction our members. Conference notes with disappointment […]

Shift Patterns

Conference is concerned at the continued difficulties faced by branches in negotiating variations to shift patterns for our members. It is recognised that there are innumerable versions across different forces and that they vary in their effectiveness in meeting the needs of our members. In order to enable branches to be more effective, Conference instructs […]

Outsourcing of Forensic Services

This Conference is concerned that the Home Office is continually eroding the forensic services provided by police staff as a cheaper option. Conference recognises that this is not the case. UNISON believes that this is a core public service to which the principles of direct accountability apply. As such, this service must remain wholly publicly […]

Civilianisation Not Privatisation

Conference supports fully the Civilianisation programme within the Police Service. However, when does ‘civilianisation’ become ‘privatisation’? Forces are more and more informing their police authorities, communities and staff that it is civilianising police officer posts. However, police staff and communities do not see these roles being advertised; this is due to the real fact that […]


Conference notes that it is still very unclear on how regionalisation will impact on policing and police forces. Conference is extremely disappointed that UNISON appears to have forgotten the Police Service Group and only appears to have concentrated on its impact on Local Government. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to produce a comprehensive report […]

Removal of Intolerable Sickness Absence Sanctions

Conference condemns the introduction of intolerant and mandatory sickness absence sanctions such as the Bradford score, when used as part of managing attendance policies. The Bradford score can be set at any trigger point, whereby after a number of days off or a number of spells of absence a management action occurs. This crude approach […]