Education funding formula

UNISON Northern Ireland is pressing for greater transparency in the Education Funding Formula. The funding of education in our region is as complex as the governance arrangements. The total amount to be spent on schools is called general schools budget and is made up of three categories of spending: 1)The aggregated school budget available to […]

Women, wellness and work

Conference notes with concern that despite previous motions and campaigns highlighting gender specific health issues faced by women in the workplace there is still very little recognition nor help and advice in the workplace for employees or employers. Whilst these health issues may not in themselves impact on productivity, lack of support and unsympathetic workplace […]

Double jeopardy – the impact of local government cuts on women

Conference notes that the impact of austerity and cuts to local government funding is particularly hard on women – the workforce is predominantly female, many of whom who are low paid. Conference also notes that there is a double jeopardy for these women. As well as bearing the brunt of cuts in pay, terms and […]

A breakthrough in tackling stress and bullying/harassment

Conference understands that work-related stress is a top concern of local government members. The 2018 TUC survey of safety reps confirmed that stress, bullying/harassment and overwork were the biggest three health and safety concerns. Conference notes that stress is not an inevitability; it is a consequence of the way work is organised and the way […]

Safeguarding LGPS Investments

This local government conference notes that LGPS pension funds are invested to secure the best returns and to safeguard the pensions of public sector employees and pension fund members. We further note that these funds are in the majority invested in funds which add little value to local areas and local economies. This conference therefore […]

Black members mentoring scheme in local government

With the continued cuts to local government and the disproportionate impact on Black workers, the national Black members committee are seeking to explore the opportunity for young Black members to be paired with more experienced activists to enhance the work of the union in the ‘Year of Young Workers’ Conference, UNISON has about 63,000 young […]

Fair representation of Black people in the recruitment process

In 2009, the Department for Work and Pensions embarked on an experiment to understand the scarcity of non-white faces in top managerial posts in UK organisations. 2,000 fake job applications were created in response to 1,000 real vacancies across multiple sectors, professions and pay grades. Similar CVs – one with a “traditional Anglo-Saxon” name and […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

UNISON is committed to fair representation and proportionality (Rule D4.1). However, within the WET sector we do not see enough Black members represented at branch, regional and national committee level. Raising the profile of Black activists within Water, Environment and Transport employers and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national […]

Knife crime and cuts to youth services

Conference notes the alarming spike in knife crime in 2018. Knife crime in London has risen by 16 percent in the past two years and over 50 people were killed by stabbings and shootings in the first 3 months of the year. Conference notes that the furore over the ‘knife crime epidemic’ served to demonise […]

Continuing to promote the Ethical Care Charter

Conference notes the charter sets minimum standards to protect the dignity and quality of life for care clients and the workers who care for them. Conference notes that over 40 councils across the UK have signed the charter. Conference believes the charter is a positive development for UNISON members, and is a useful tool for […]

Bring back the Education Maintenance Allowance

Conference notes that education is the key to improving life chances. Yet, to be able to take advantage of the many opportunities that education can bring, young people need to be able to afford basic resources to enable them to fully participate. The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) was a means-tested allowance of between £10 and […]

Further education colleges should be the only provider of apprenticeships

Conference notes that the government drive to increase the quality and quantity of apprenticeships in the UK is failing. In 2017 the Apprenticeship Levy was introduced – a charge of 0.5% of the salary bill of large employers which must then be claimed back to fund apprenticeship provision – simply isn’t being used by enough […]

A state of crisis in local government

UNISON Wales has been highlighting the damage being done to our communities through our Fair Funding campaign and Wales audit of austerity work which has highlighted that councils have lost over 28,000 jobs since 2010. The budget given to local authorities is an investment in local services, in prevention and early intervention work which ensures […]

Income generation

As part of UNISON’s campaign against austerity cuts, UNISON Renfrewshire has been working on a project of income generation and job creation to improve services for the local community. The first part of the project, the creation of resident’s funeral scheme, has been approved by Renfrewshire council. This scheme would reduce the average cost of […]

Tackling Racism at Work

Conference condemns the continuing rise is racism and fascism across the UK. Conference believes that those who face racism should be at the forefront of the campaign for race equality and that our self organised structures are integral to this work. Conference also believes that all members have a role and a responsibility to challenge […]