Conference notes with concern that the proposed changes to the Local government pensions scheme (LGPS) and the state retirement age are disproportionately impacting on the lives of women. Women local government workers are already statistically more likely to have lower pensions, primarily due to time taken out of the workplace and part-time working to meet […]

Living On The Edge

Conference condemns the treatment of local government workers across the four UK countries by their employers who as well as cutting jobs, are in an increasing number of places, attempting to cut hours, overtime pay, unsocial hours payments, car allowances, increments and annual leave to name a few. Conference notes that this is on top […]

Women hit hardest

Conference notes that, in addition to the pay freeze, there is a hidden impact of this government’s agenda on public sector wages on women working in local government. 75% of workers in local government are women, and more than half of those work part-time. Recent research by the Policy Institute has found that in the […]

Youth Services and Mutualisation

Conference is concerned that the emphasis of delivery in the Government’s positive for youth policy lies with commissioning the community and voluntary sector and the encouragement of mutualisation. Conference is concerned that the commissioning agenda will lead to a massive detriment to terms and conditions across both voluntary and statutory youth sectors, a continuing shift […]

Cuts in Youth Services

Conference deplores the tsunami of cuts to youth services in the statutory and voluntary sectors. Across the country, councils are taking an axe to their youth services – the very youth clubs and projects cited by the prime minister as examples of excellence are being lost. The workforce is facing major redundancies and those workers […]

Challenging Racism, defending public services

Conference notes with deep concern new research by UNISON on the disproportionate impact of public services cuts on Black workers. This research, conducted as part of UNISON’s Challenging Racism in the Workplace, and piloted in Greater London late last year, showed that Black employees in Local Government were paying the price for public service cuts […]

Local Government Pay

This branch opposes the public sector pay freeze and calls on Service Group Executive and the NJC Committee to campaign for a pay rise that compensates for inflation.

Public Housing & Benefits

Conference notes 1)The continued attempts to privatise housing management and the consequent threats to members pay, terms and conditions and trade union organisation; 2)The new stock transfer guidance in England scheduled for April 2012 and the potential new threat of privatisation; 3)The continued attacks on pay, terms and conditions, by housing associations; 4)That there are […]


At a time of record youth unemployment this Conference condemns the cuts made upon the Connexions Service for young people that have seen over 3,500 advisers made redundant and many Connexions Centres closed. Consequently young people are being denied careers advice to help them into employment, apprenticeships and with their educational choices. Furthermore changes to […]

Living Wage and Not Regional Pay

This Conference notes with concern the failure of the National Employers to offer or properly negotiate an affordable pay settlement. In reality UNISON members in local government are suffering a multi-year pay cut compounded by inflation rate and cost of living increases and the failure of the Government £250 settlement to be awarded. Local Government […]

Administration of Medicines and Medical Procedures in Schools and Other Educational Settings

Conference notes that discussions continue with governments’ across the UK, around responsibility for administration of medicines and medical procedures in educational settings. Current guidance requires schools to develop policies on administration of medicine and medical procedures to support with pupils with health conditions. Staff are expected to administer a range of treatment, from basic medicines […]

Mutuals and Co-ops

Conference notes the continuing interest in co-ops and mutuals from central and local government. The Localism Act effectively gives council employees in England the right to require a service be privatised, and the government the power to fund them to do so. Both the Mutuals Taskforce and Mutuals Information Service are supporting mutuals ‘spun out’ […]

Cuts and Equalities

Conference deplores the continuing savage spending cuts taking place across local government. With a female workforce of over 75%, cuts to local government jobs, pay and conditions have a detrimental effect on women in particular and are adversely impacting on other protected groups. Spending cuts are pushing women out of the local government workforce, driving […]

Social Care and the Cuts

Conference condemns the failure of political leaders across the UK to grasp the nettle and implement a long-term sustainable solution to the funding deficit in social care. The numbers of people who need care and support are continuing to grow as a result of our ageing population and medical advances which have improved life expectancy. […]

Impact of Privatisation and the Two-Tier Workforce

Conference notes the ruthless way in which the Conservative-led UK government is targeting local government public services for privatisation. In England, the Localism Act effectively gives non-profit-making organisations and council employees the right to require a service be privatised. The Open Public Service White Paper specifically targets specific services for more privatisation – customer contact; […]