Homophobia in Sport

Conference welcomes the initiative launched by The Premiership and Football League in trying to rid football from homophobia. Whilst recognising that this is a good starting point, conference believes that more work is needed to ensure the campaign develops in success to the levels achieved by UNISON involvement in campaigns such as ‘Show Racism the […]

Building Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Equality in the Commonwealth

Conference welcomes: 1The UK Government’s stated commitment to working for the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality; 2The development and publication this year by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) of a strategy and toolkit for promoting and protecting the rights of LGBT people; 3Increasing recognition of the Yogyarkarta Principles on the application of international human rights […]

European Union (EU) Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Conference notes that European Union law provides protection against sexual orientation discrimination – as well as age, disability, religion and belief – in the area of employment, but that there is currently no such protection in EU law against discrimination on these grounds in areas such as social protection, goods and services, health care and […]

Working in Solidarity

Conference welcomes the progress made in raising the profile of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) participation in our union. We can be proud of our achievements in continuing to support and encourage self organisation at all levels of our union. Most of us take it for granted that we can organise and meet to […]

Equality at the Heart of our Union – Equal Means Making it Happen

Conference affirms that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality is an integral part of the organising and bargaining work of the union. Conference considers that UNISON’s Equality Scheme is a significant opportunity to achieve this. The purpose of the Equality Scheme is to make sure that equality is promoted and discrimination challenged in everything […]

Workplace Blood Donor Sessions

Conference is aware that some employers encourage their employees to donate blood by allowing the National Blood Service (NBS) to run donor sessions in the workplace. Conference notes that for people who may be unable to donate due to current donor selection criteria (including many gay and bisexual men, as well as people with medical […]

Increasing Effective Participation of Low Paid LGBT Members

Conference welcomes the new UNISON Equality Scheme which, in addition to covering the statutory equality streams of gender, gender identity, race, disability, sexual orientation, age and religion/belief, also seeks to ensure equality within the union on the grounds of low pay. Conference acknowledges that although the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) self organised group […]

Inequality in Goods, Facilities and Services

Conference is concerned that there remains inequality in the provision of goods, facilities and services to Transgender members especially in the case of medical treatment. Looking at Wales as an example, last year, this conference heard how the Health Commission Wales (HCW), a body of the Welsh Assembly set up to fund specialist services in […]

Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Members in the Highlands of Scotland

This conference welcomes the recent formation of a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Self-Organised Group (SOG) in the Highland Branch. This is an area of Scotland where there are few facilities for LGBT people. The land mass of the Highland branch is the same size as Belgium, with many small rural communities, where LGBT […]


Conference recognises the importance of identifying UNISON’s disabled membership and their access needs in order to facilitate the participation of disabled members in their union. The RMS is the main recording, mapping and organising tool of the Union at all levels. At the present time the information stored on the RMS with regard to disability […]


This Conference recognises the great strides made by disabled members self organisation to ensure this union is accessible to disabled members’ participation and involvement and the value of self organisation to help the union meet its rule book commitment to fair representation. We also recognise that much of the Code of Practice that relates to […]

Rise Festival

Conference condemns the recent decision by the newly elected Tory Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to take anti-racist campaigning and politics out of the annual Rise Festival. In a statement issued to trade unions last week, and confirmed in writing to UNISON on Tuesday, Johnson’s Director of Cultural Policy stated that the explicitly anti-racist campaigning […]


Conference notes with growing alarm the unfolding natural disaster in Burma. Conference is appalled at the response by the military junta in Burma to the natural disaster of Cyclone Nargis, illustrating as it does the contempt in which the regime holds the well-being of its own people. The failure to put in place any meaningful […]

EU Treaty

Conference notes that in the only test of public acceptability that has been given to any of the nations of Europe on the Lisbon Treaty (the latest incarnation of the European Constitution), the people of Ireland voted decisively to reject it on the 11th June .Conference welcomes the Irish vote. This historic vote to scrap […]

Fuel Costs and Mileage Rates