Rule D 3.1.1 Delete “Police Staff” and insert “Police and Justice”


Rule D 3.1.1 Add to list of service groups before “Energy”, “Community” Delete Rule D. and D3.7.4 and renumber accordingly

The Recession and Disabled People

Conference applauds the work undertaken by UNISON to highlight the plight of disabled workers during the recession, in particular for the union’s support for the lobby of Parliament on 3 March 2009. Disabled workers face greater hardship than non disabled people with fewer chances of securing alternative work; our government cannot go back into business […]

Domestic Violence/Abuse

Conference is appalled to note that, according to Home Office statistics, domestic violence accounts for one in six violent incidents as measured by the British Crime Survey, with 85% of those victims being women, and one in four victims having been assaulted three or more times. The government’s national domestic violence delivery plan highlighted action […]

Promoting Awareness of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in the workplace and in UNISON

Conference notes the great strides that UNISON has been able to make supporting disabled people’s rights to employment, goods, facilities and services by using the Disability Discrimination Act’s (DDA) provisions to challenge discriminatory actions. We also applaud UNISON’s commitment to promote equality within the union through its own equality scheme. More recently disabled people have […]

NHS charges

Conference congratulates the devolved administrations in Wales and Scotland on progressive reforms they have made. In particular we commend their abolition of car parking fees at NHS sites and the abolition of NHS prescription charges. Both these charges are in effect a tax on sickness and can amount to considerable sums. These moves are a […]

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer amongst women in the UK. Every year about six thousand women in the UK are diagnosed with this disease. The majority of these cases have only a few symptoms, which are treated as other conditions until finally being diagnosed as ovarian cancer. If […]

Bargaining in a Multi Party Political Climate

Conference notes that in the current political structures there are a variety of combinations of political parties forming administrations at local/council level, devolved parliamentary level and at the employers organisations. Whilst there are still some single party administrations (Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat) there are many more coalitions, alliances, no-over-all-controls, etc. In the Scottish Parliament there […]

Further Education “Time to Pay Up” Campaign

This Conference endorses the “Time to Pay Up” Campaign for our members in Further Education by focusing on the minority of colleges that refuse to implement nationally agreed pay deals, resulting in up to 50% of colleges not being on any comparable, nationally agreed pay scale. This causes confusion throughout the sector when comparing jobs […]

Disabled Local Government workers and the Recession

This conference is concerned about the impact of the economic downturn on local government workers jobs. The consequences for disabled workers is huge; constant reorganisation, threats of privatisation, long hours and too few staff are factors that build even greater barriers to employment and career opportunities. Local government employers are using the economic situation as […]

Further Education in a time of Recession

Conference believes that the Further Education (FE) sector has a vital role to play in helping to retrain and re skill people who will sadly lose their jobs as a result of the recession. Conference therefore welcomes the additional money being allocated to the FE sector in England to fund learning and skills development in […]

Greening Further Education

This Conference believes that if we are to tackle climate change we have to negotiate changes to the way we work. Over two thirds of UK carbon dioxide emissions are work related. Colleges teach and train over three million people every year. In doing so they use significant amounts of energy and other resources and […]

Local Government Pension Scheme – Cost Sharing Proposals

Conference calls upon our Pension Representatives and negotiators to defend the existing rights of all UNISON members. We call upon UNISON to stop the recommendations proposed by the Local Government Pension Scheme Cost Sharing Proposals. These proposals to be in place by 31 March 2009 and include cost sharing by both parties, employer and employees, […]

Understanding Local Government Finance

Over the past few months increasing numbers of councils have been facing financial problems, sadly resulting in some of our members losing their jobs. If, as a union, we are going to better challenge councils when they say they have financial problems branches need to have a better understanding of how local government is funded, […]

Local Government Equality Framework (LGEF)

Conference notes the Local Government Equality Framework (LGEF) replaced the Equality Standard in April 2009. It aims to enable local authorities to meet the public sector equality duties set out in the new Single Equalities Bill – which merges all the complex and single Equality Acts into one new Bill. In October 2008 the Local […]