Towards a £10 per hour Living Wage

This conference notes and applauds the major campaign being waged by the BFAWU (Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union) within the national fast food takeaway companies, in partnership with the Fast Food Rights Campaign and Youth Fight For Jobs. The main thrust of this campaign is to recruit and organise young people into trade unions […]

Workload in Schools

Conference notes that increases in workload are causing severe problems for many school support staff across the UK. UNISON’s survey of over 15,000 school support staff members showed that:- 1)80.4% (10,804 respondents) said they were concerned about workload. The majority of respondents; 2)74.0%, said they regularly worked unpaid overtime; 3)81.0% of those working unpaid overtime […]

Devolution and Local Government

Conference notes that the Westminster Coalition government’s ‘austerity’ measures are causing devastation across local authorities and other UK public services. UNISON members working in them are facing redundancies, cuts to pay and conditions, increased workloads and increasing privatisation. Integration of social care and health is a further issue affecting all four UK nations. Conference recognises […]

Future of Local Government

Conference notes: – 1)The damage that the Coalition’s ‘austerity’ programme has inflicted on local services and local communities across the UK and the future damage that could occur if the plans set out in the Autumn Statement 2014 are followed; 2)The warnings from the Public Accounts Committee that discretionary local services may disappear and that […]

Facility Time

Conference notes with alarm the continuing attacks on facility time in local government over the last year. These attacks are part of a political attack on trade unions in local government. In 2014 the Department for Communities and Local Government issued revised guidelines on data transparency, which require local authorities and fire and rescue authorities […]

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Conference notes that negotiations are underway between the European Union (EU) and the United States on a new trade agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which could serve as a model for all future trade agreements. TTIP will not just remove trade tariffs but would also harmonise regulatory standards; open markets in the […]

Behaviour and Violence in Schools

Conference recognises that challenging behaviour and violence in schools can have an enormous impact on school staff. Unfortunately most of the focus on dealing with and providing support for challenging behaviour has been primarily on teachers, despite support staff facing behaviour issues in classrooms, the playground and the general school environment. Additionally, specialist support staff […]

Domestic violence, a gendered issue

Conference notes that research from the home office has shown that nearly 90% of severe and repeated domestic violence is experienced by women. The Home Office report on domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking (findings from the British Crime Survey) reported that “women are the overwhelming majority of the most heavily abused group. Among people […]

Food Standards Agency – Pay, Terms and Conditions

Conference notes that our members employed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and its contractors, work in some of the worst conditions in Europe. They face increasing bullying, harassment and attacks in the workplace, as well as the erosion of their pay and benefits. Conference also notes that the deregulators and industry lobbyists working in […]

Rule D Service Group Executive

Add new rule D 3.5.10: “D 3.5.10 No member who holds a seat on a Service Group Executive can hold a seat on the National Executive Council as a service group representative under Rule D.2.3 at the same time. She/he may stand as a candidate in an election or by-election for a seat on the […]

Defending youth services and youth workers

Conference notes the massive cuts that youth and community services suffered under the 2010-2015 Government. Conference welcomes the Local Government Service Group’s 2014 ‘Damage’ report, highlighting the scale and impact of those cuts. The publicity that the report attracted shows clearly the breadth of support in the UK for high quality, properly funded youth services. […]

Rule D National Executive Council

Add new Rule D 2.9: “D 2.9 Meetings of the National Executive Council shall take place, so far as is reasonably practicable, in venues which are accessible to all members eligible to attend.” Renumber as appropriate

Where next for Libraries and Leisure Services?

Conference notes with concern the attack libraries and leisure facilities have faced under the coalition government. As budget cuts have hit hard, councils have explored a number of options which have included: dramatically scaling back on library and leisure services, alternative models to deliver services, or closing facilities. Libraries do more than simply loan books; […]

Rule D Service Group Executive

D 3.5.8 add at end: “She/he may stand as a candidate in an election or by-election for a seat on a Service Group Executive, subject to Rule D.2.3.4. If elected, she/he will be deemed to have resigned from the National Executive Council from the commencement of the period of office for the Service Group Executive […]

Campaign for a fairer funding settlement for Local Government

This conference notes that UNISON believes that local authorities will be pushed to breaking point by the latest round of multibillion pound cuts to their funding announced in the last round of the Coalition Government’s spending review. This is despite the communities and local government minister, Kris Hopkins, view that the Government announced what he […]