The Changing Structures of Local Service Provision

Conference notes that the world of local services in England is undergoing major change as a result of recent legislation affecting local government and local public transport. Councils and health trusts, police authorities and youth services, the Environment Agency and passenger transport authorities have to get together to plan, deliver, and monitor and commission services. […]

Rule K 2 (i) Legal Assistance Qualifications

Rule K 2(i) Delete and replace with: “2(i) The member must have been in membership of the Union for at least 4 weeks prior to the member knowing that she/he had need of legal assistance and seeks legal assistance from the Union.”

Violence and Agression Against Staff

Conference believes that violence and aggression against staff is not part of the job. UNISON is commited to campaigning for tougher measures so that all public service workers are afforded the same levels of protection as that given to the police. Conference notes that as a consequence of this campaign there has been growing public […]


Conference notes that the term ‘flexicurity’ and its basic principles have been adopted by European Union (EU) leaders when on the 13th December 2007 they rubberstampted the renamed EU constitution in Lisbon, Portugal. This term has been introduced by the European Commission to suggest that if a worker accepts flexibility, job security at work will […]

Moving Beyond the Two-Tier Workforce

Conference notes that there have been at least six different agreements in operation that attempt to protect the terms and conditions of staff working for contractors on public service contracts, including new starters. They each apply to different sectors, devolved administrations, occupational groups whilst some sectors do not even have this minimalist protection (eg Academies, […]

Public Sector Pension Funds – Responsible Contractor Investment Policy

Conference notes that the pension funds of UNISON members, particularly those in Local Government and Higher Education are increasingly invested in companies and Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects that deliver public services under a contract to a public body. Many of these companies employ UNISON members working on such contracts. Because of such pension fund […]

Defending, Celebrating and Improving the National Minimum Wage as it reaches its 10th year

Conference is proud of the role UNISON played with other in the labour movement in the creation of the national minimum wage (NMW) which was first introduced on 1st April 1999. Conference believes that the introduction of the NMW is one of the finest achievements of Labour in Government. Since its introduction the NMW has […]

Rule B 1 At Work and in the Community

Rule B.1 Add new B.1.12 “12. To promote and pursue environmental sustainability in all our work.”

Training and Skills Shortages in the Energy Industry

Conference recognises that there exists a serious risk of skill shortages for many job types across the energy industry. This is partly related to demographics and an ageing workforce but also partly due to the increasing difficulty of recruiting younger workers with the right skills and knowledge into the energy sector. UNISON’s contribution to the […]

LGBT Representatives in Energry

Conference welcomes the Energy Executive’s continuing support for equal opportunities through the Business and Environment Equal Opportunities Working Group (BEEOWG) and the continued success of the annual equalities seminar. Conference notes that LGBT members within the Energy sector are becoming better organised and now have an email mailing list that allows regular communication with members […]

Fuel Poverty and the Energy Bill

Conference welcomes the publication of the report produced by the National Right to Fuel Campaign with support from UNISON that highlighted the extremely high prices being charged to consumers by the energy companies. Conference also endorses UNISON’s call for an Inquiry by the Competition Commission into the energy market and the imposition of a windfall […]

A Future Sustainable Energy Industry

Conference welcomes UNISON’s approach to the UK’s future energy needs. It is clear that to develop a sustainable energy industry capable of meeting the legitimate needs of the public will require a mixed approach to generation. This must include a significant role for renewables and micro generation for small scale use, particularly for the domestic […]

Global Warming Effects

Conference notes with concern the dramatic effect flooding had across many parts of the UK during 2007. Most experts including the Environment Agency and many climatologists are attributing the events to global warming. The 2007 floods showed how unprepared we are to deal with the consequences of localised flooding, let alone rising sea levels. The […]

Gas Safety

This conference believes that public safety is being jeopardised by the gas companies’ practice of categorising gas leaks. Gas Safety Regulations state all leaks should be repaired within 12 hours. This conference is concerned that A3 gas companies have a system of categorising leaks into category “A” or category “B” leaks. A category “A” means […]

Rising Prices and Fuel Poverty

The definition of fuel poverty is generally accepted as an individual or family who spend more than 10% of their disposable income to keep warm. In 2002 when the fuel poor numbered 2m, as a developed country, we were rightly appalled. How then should we be reacting as the number rose to 4m in the […]