Developing and expanding social partnership and fair work in Wales and across the UK

UNISON Cymru/Wales supports the principle of a �Fair Work Nation�. As the largest trade union in Wales, we speak on behalf of around 100,000 members and their families and work with 49 affiliated unions through the Wales TUC. We strongly support the aims of Welsh government�s Draft Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Bill which […]

Covid Legacy

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted what�s best about local government and its workforce. Always there ready to support our communities 365 days of the year, especially during times of national crisis. It�s the same workforce who have had endure over ten years of austerity, cuts to pay and terms & conditions, but when called upon […]

Traveller Communities

Conference notes that while local authorities are required to address the housing and development needs of Gypsies and Travellers, they are under no legal duty to provide sites for Gypsies and Travellers. This is true for councils across all four nations of the UK. In England, it has been the case since the Caravan Sites […]

Reduction in the Working Week � Campaigning Across the Sectors

Conference notes that workplace stress is a massive and growing concern in local government. As the Local Government Association states: �Research shows that work is the biggest cause of stress in people’s lives, more so than debt or financial problems. Stress can stop people performing at their best and lead to physical illness and absence.� […]

Facility Time in Schools

Conference notes that many branches are struggling to represent members in schools, particularly in those schools which have become academies. Both local authorities and the academy chains are putting restrictions on local authority employed staff representing members employed in academies. This has resulted in many reps using their own time to represent members, sometimes even […]

Standing Up to Violence, Harassment and Abuse of Local Government Staff

Conference recognises that UNISON members in local government are dedicated to improving the quality of life for the communities they work in, as shown by their incredible work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite this, many of our members are subject to an alarming increase in violence, abuse and harassment at work. After years of cuts […]

Reduction in the Working Week � Campaigning Across the Sectors

Conference notes that workplace stress is a massive and growing concern in local government. As the Local Government Association states: �Research shows that work is the biggest cause of stress in people’s lives, more so than debt or financial problems. Stress can stop people performing at their best and lead to physical illness and absence.� […]

The Challenges and Opportunities for an Ageing Workforce in Local Government

Conference notes that older people make up a growing proportion of the population, and so make an increasing contribution to society. They are our members, volunteers, taxpayers and carers. They have also been the most at risk during the Covid-19 pandemic, sometimes risking their own health to deliver urgent public services. Over recent decades there […]

Health & Safety and safety reps in local government after Covid � an opportunity to recruit and organise women workers

Conference notes Caroline Criado Perez�s recent book �Invisible Women� which set out how men�s dominance of the design industry has a major impact on women�s health and safety. For women working in local government and schools, the experience of working during the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted this impact. Some examples include: 1)71% of women wear […]

Covid-19 hasn�t killed sexual harassment at work � it�s just moved online

Conference is clear – sexual harassment isn�t just a problem for celebrities. It happens in ordinary workplaces everywhere. This includes local government. Anybody can experience sexual harassment. However, TUC research shows that half of women have been sexually harassed at work. Two thirds of LGBT+ people have experienced it too. Four out of five people […]

The future of the National Joint Council for England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Conference notes that the National Joint Council (NJC) structure and negotiations have formed the basis of pay determination for the majority of local government workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland since 1997. More than 400,000 UNISON members are covered by sector wide NJC pay negotiations. These negotiations cover pay increases, conditions of service, and […]

Reduce agency working in Further Education Colleges

Conference notes the increasing reliance on agency workers in Further Education colleges in the UK and calls for this situation to be reversed as a matter of urgency. A Freedom of Information request conducted by UNISON in 2018 revealed the extent to which some colleges are relying on expensive agency workers. Of the 163 colleges […]

The Future of Youth Services

Conference notes that youth services play crucial positive and preventative roles across the UK, and the work youth workers and youth support workers do provides huge value to the lives of young people. Youth services help young people into employment, training or education; they help with potential mental health issues; and they help prevent alcohol […]

Food Standards Agency � Pay, Terms & Conditions

Conference notes that our members employed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) work tirelessly to make sure the public eat safe and clean meat, dairy and seafood. Their pay, terms and conditions need urgent improvement to reward that commitment. Environmental health and trading standards officers also deserve a decent pay rise. During the Covid-19 pandemic, […]

Adult Education Needs Investment

This conference knows the importance of lifelong learning. Education does not end once we hit 18, in fact learning has barely begun. Further education colleges, at the heart of their local community, are the key to ensuring that adults have opportunities to learn and develop throughout their lives. The UK faces many challenges in the […]