
With austerity set to continue, there is a greater emphasis on forces to seek savings through collaboration. There are already a number of arrangements in place which are both good and bad examples. Conference believes we need to get smarter in how we support branches who are involved in a collaboration process. We therefore call […]


Conference understands the need to Vet Police staff both prior to and post-employment. Conference supports the Police Service in its aims to provide a safe and secure provision for the public and the staff who work within it. Threats from corruption and terror are very real and the vetting process is a useful tool in […]

Service Group and Link Liaison

The General Election results mean that the austerity program and cuts to the Police Service will continue in earnest. It is important that Police & Justice members have a political voice and we must take every opportunity to engage through the Link to raise our concerns and inform politicians about our campaigns. The Service Group […]

A Shift in Equality

Conference has seen the damaging effect the cuts in the policing budget has had in the workplace over the last few years and with the Conservatives winning a majority at the General Election in May it offers a bleak outlook for all working in policing. We have seen controls rooms reduced and centralised, Custody Suits […]

Concessionary travel passes.

Conference notes the benefits that access to public transport, such as buses, trains and coaches, can bring to many disabled people. Concessionary Passes enable this access but the conditions applicable vary across different nations of the United Kingdom. Also currently, passes issued in one country cannot be used in another. Conference believes that there would […]

The fight for fair sickness absence procedures and ‘Disability Leave’

This Conference notes with concern the election of a ‘Tory’ Government with a majority in Parliament and believes that this will signal a worsening of the rights and the likely employability of disabled people. The Conservatives have indicated their contempt for Industrial Tribunals and are not supportive of any restrictions on employers in their dealings […]

Guidance on rights for disabled workers

This Conference believes that many disabled workers are unaware of their rights as disabled employees. This Conference also believes that without awareness of rights, such rights cannot be pursued, and become endangered through lack of use. This Conference further believes that (i) it is important that information about disabled workers rights be available in a […]

Improving working conditions for Care workers

There is a high proportion of Black workers in the care and support sector. Black workers disproportionately face job losses, downgrading and cuts in hours. In addition to this, care workers working with individuals with learning difficulties and dementia are at a higher risk of suffering from violence and abuse at work. Some of whom […]

Equality rights and national collective agreements

Conference is concerned at the continuing pressure to move away from nationally agreed terms and conditions amongst local government employers, including those of our own National Joint Council (NJC). Conference notes that it was our union’s national collective bargaining that established many equality protections long before they were enshrined in law. For example, our predecessor […]

Local government pay – an equality issue

Conference notes with concern that local government pay remains the lowest in the public sector, and that most local government workers are also paid substantially less than their equivalents in the private sector. The real value of average UK pay packets has fallen by 12% since 2010, and for most local government workers the fall […]

Retention of Green Book Terms and Conditions

Conference reaffirms its view that sector-wide collective bargaining – not Regional or local – is best placed to deliver decent pay and conditions, and equality. It is also the best way to ensure that local government employment reflects our vision for universal and equal public services and deals with the issues arising out of cuts, […]

Local Government Supporting Joint Working in Education

College members are increasingly connected to fellow education workers in schools, academies, university technical colleges and other provision nearly all of which are in local government branches; many careers professionals are based in schools and colleges. Colleges are sponsoring academies and developing shared services that cut across traditional institutional boundaries. The National Further Education and […]

Local Government Finance

The Wales Local Government Committee is acutely aware of the increasing pressures placed upon the services that our members provide and that they are living with the dire consequences of the financial stranglehold that the current Con/Dem Government are imposing upon the annual budget settlements .We acknowledge that such draconian funding reductions have been decimating […]

Living Wage

Conference is incensed by the effect of continuing austerity on our members and calls on the Service Group Executive to campaign with regions and branches, across all sector bargaining groups, for the Living Wage to be the minimum spinal column point on their respective pay scales.

Food Standards Agency – Pay, Terms and Conditions

Conference notes that our members employed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and its contractors, work in some of the worst conditions in Europe. They face increasing bullying, harassment and attacks in the workplace, as well as the erosion of their pay and benefits. Conference also notes that the deregulators and industry lobbyists working in […]