Trade Union Equality and Employment Rights

Conference is alarmed that employment rights are now firmly in the Coalition government’s sights for cutting as part of an alleged growth strategy for the Chancellor. This is rejected by Conference as making workers feel more insecure is both unfair, unequal and in fact decreases confidence in the economy. Conference deplores the increasing use by […]


Conference notes: 1) that the ConDem government is proposing cuts to housing benefits that will result in financial hardship and even evictions for hundreds of thousands of private and public sector tenants. This is not only the unemployed but families in work on low wages and pensioners; 2) new limits will restrict the maximum amount […]

Income Inequality

Conference notes 1) that the National Equality Panel report in 2010 noted that the gap between rich and poor in this country is the greatest it has been since the Second World War that the report of the High Pay Commission in 2011 predicts that if current trends continue, then by the year 2030 Britain […]

Trade Union Representatives

Conference deplores the attacks on trade union facility time made by organisations such as Taxpayers Alliance (TPA) and the newly formed Trade Union Reform Campaign (TURC). Conference believes that the poorly conducted ‘research’ conducted by the Taxpayers Alliance, claiming that £113m was spent on trade unions, represented nothing more than an ideological attack on public […]

Public Services

Conference notes with concern the increasing number of service reforms facing public services the unrelenting attack on the public services being waged by the coalition government and the far reaching consequences that budget cuts, job losses and privatisation have on the fabric of our communities and the prospects for economic recovery. As recent Office of […]


Conference recognises that never has UNISON faced such an unprecedented fight for quality public services and members’ jobs. The public sector is being penalised for an economic crisis that is not of our making. The Coalition government’s policies are hitting public services hard across the board with threaten essential services. Not only are jobs at […]

Tory Attack Group

Conference notes that the public and private sectors are in the midst of the most sustained attacks on our members on the services we provide under the guise of efficiencies. Conference notes the January 2012 launch meeting of the Trade Union Reform Group whose stated aim is that public bodies should not pay for time […]

Health and Social Care Bill

Conference reaffirms its complete opposition to the Government’s Health and Social Care Bill. Conference believes that the Bill is the biggest threat to the English NHS in its 64 year history. Despite minor changes made by the so-called “listening exercise”, the fundamental dangers of privatisation, fragmentation, instability and inequity remain. The Bill will turn the […]

Safe Staffing Levels and Patient Ratios

UNISON Health conference expresses serious concern about employers’ attempts to dilute skill mix and staffing levels as part of cost-cutting within the NHS and the impact which this can have on patient safety. We note a huge amount of variability in workforce planning, together with scientific evidence demonstrating the value of appropriate skill mixes to […]

Partnership Working Under Pressure

Conference notes the acute challenges our members face in the current climate of radical structural reforms (in England), budgetary constraints and efficiency savings targets, all of which are taking a serious toll on the NHS workforce. Employers under pressure to reduce costs are looking at every conceivable way to save money. Increasing numbers are tampering […]


Conference believes our members deserve major congratulations for their magnificent efforts on 30 November. Conference further congratulates the union on its focus and organisation throughout the process of pension’s negotiations and the historic industrial action ballot of over one million members, successfully conducted without legal challenge. Conference notes that our union’s conduct throughout, including on […]


Conference acknowledges the unprecedented levels of recruitment to the union over the last year. This growth is primarily because UNISON was prepared to get involved in organising industrial action to defend pensions in coordinated action with other public sector unions. Conference recognises that where we give strong and positive leadership, it inspires workers to become […]

Workforce Reprofiling: Downbanding by another name

Conference is concerned at reports that some NHS Trusts are undertaking mass downbanding of staff to save costs, often under the pretext of skill mix reviews or other service redesign. While it is understandable that from time to time service redesign will be appropriate, this should only be driven by quality improvement and not solely […]

Campaign against the cuts

Conference notes the Tory led attack on public services and the NHS across the UK. In Northern Ireland the £4.3 billion cut to the block grant to Northern Ireland has had a hugely detrimental impact on public service delivery. Conference is very aware of the significant drain on our Health and Social Care service budgets. […]

Oppose privatisation

Despite successfully fighting privatisation in the majority of the health service, UNISON in Northern Ireland, like other regions, is battling the continued outsourcing of domiciliary care services to the private sector. There is also a continued push for shared services across the health service. Our members are deeply worried about compulsory relocation and redundancies. Conference […]