PSSC Handbook

Conference is concerned over the lack of information provided to branches on this important issue. Conference further instructs that no agreement is to be reached until branches have been consulted on the overall document.

Staff Association

Conference is dissatisfied with the classification of UNISON by our employer and other sections of the police family as a staff association. UNISON is a trade union and as such has statutory rights and status at law. We as trade unionists are proud to be part of the labour movement and are proud of our […]

Getting Noticed

Conference notes that the Service Group appears not to have made use of the Labour Link or the GPF in its campaigning agenda. Conference believes that the SGE should make contact with the GPF and the APF with a view to maximising the facilities and possible funding available to assist the service group. Conference instructs […]

Equal Pay

Conference is reminded that two-thirds of UNISON’s police members are women. This is in line with the gender profile of UNISON’s membership nationally. UNISON as a national union is committed to removing all forms of discrimination from the workplace. And the removal of pay discrimination is high on UNISON’s list of priorities. Conference welcomes the […]

Lack of Recruitment of Disabled Ethnic Minorities Within Police Staffs

This Conference is concerned that Disabled ethnic minority workers experience double disadvantage because of failures in recruitment processes within Police Staffs. Whilst there is a drive to recruit ethnic minorities within the police, there is no focus on targeting disabled ethnic minority staff. Many forces appear to have taken no initiatives to improve the employment […]

Taxation of Allowances

This Conference notes with dissatisfaction the manner in which staff who are relocated at the behest of management have to pay tax on any relocation allowance. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to engage in meaningful dialogue with the PSSC in order to defray taxes that may be incurred in these circumstances.

Removal of Mandatory Punitive Sanctions

This Service Group Conference instructs the Police Staff Service Group Executive to take the necessary steps through PSSC, ACPO and HMIC to work towards the removal of mandatory punitive sanctions, when used as part of managing attendance policies. Such punitive measures as bans on overtime, promotion and career changes. This would remove the principal inherent […]

Two Tier Workforce

This Conference notes with delight the change of heart by this Labour Government on the two – tier workforce. However, Conference asks the Service Group Executive to make absolutely certain that the term ‘Local Government’ embraces Police Authorities.

NOP Survey Action Plan

Conference welcomes the publication of the first ever national attitude survey of UNISON police staff members. UNISON now has a more accurate picture of the way in which police staff members are working, how they feel about their jobs and what they want UNISON to achieve on their behalf. Conference notes with concern the following […]

Salary Pay Cards

Conference notes that the recent pay cards issued after the pay rise did not include the spinal column numbers. They are necessary to enable staff to understand the relationship between their salary, spinal column and local banding. Conference also notes the intention of the PSSC Trade Union Side to completely renumber the PSSC pay spine […]

Homophobic Harassment

Conference notes that: 1)harassment of lesbian and gay workers in the police service continues to be a major problem; 2)one tactic is use of the media to smear lesbian and gay workers, such as happened with Commander Brian Paddick; 3)often local papers and radio stations run such stories or carry letters attacking the dignity of […]

Criminal Records Bureau and “Disclosure”

Conference notes: 1)The importance of ensuring that young people and vulnerable adults are protected from members of society who may wish to cause them physical, mental or sexual harm; 2)That the Government has introduced the “Disclosure” process in order to achieve these aims; 3)We continue to support the Government in achieving these goals. Conference believes […]

Healthcare Assistants – Barriers to Progression

The government, in the implementation of the NHS Plan, has highlighted the need for services to be designed with the patient at the heart. We believe that the role of the HCA has changed fundamentally over the last 10 years and even more so over the past 5 years. Yet barriers still remain in their […]

Involvement of the Community and Voluntary Sector where Contracts are reviewed and TUPE applies

Conference recognises the importance of ensuring that, where health and social care services operating under a partnership arrangement are subject to review and a subsequent procurement process, members and activists working in the Community and Voluntary sector including Housing Associations must be properly consulted and involved for the entirety of the process where the Community […]

Violence Towards Health Care Workers

During more than thirty years of conflict in Northern Ireland Health Care workers delivered, without prejudice, care to all sections of the Northern Irish Community. Today as in other parts of Britain attacks on the health care team are becoming more frequent and more violent. These attacks against health care workers and in particular ambulance […]