The Role of Workplace Environmental Reps in the WET Service Group Following the Comprehensive Spending Review

This 2011 WET Conference notes that as part of the coalition’s comprehensive spending review was the announcement that the carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme is to become a new carbon tax on public sector organisations like the Environment Agency, British Waterways and Passenger Transport Executives and larger companies like those in the water industry. […]

Water, Environment and Transport Health and Safety Event 2012

The 2011 WET Conference recognises the value of the inaugural service group health and safety event held in March 2010 and the impressive subjects covered in one day by all who attended. Health and safety is rightly seen as one of the most important factors by members in retaining their UNISON membership and it is […]

Service Group Specific Communications

This Water, Environment and Transport Conference 2011 is disappointed that again there has been little specific publicity of our recently formed service group by head office. Our members particularly those in the public sector continue to be at the sharp end of cuts and job losses but regularly perform over and above their normal duties. […]

WET Constitution

This Conference approves the attached constitution of the Water, Environment and Transport service group.


Conference welcomes the news that the TUC has called a national demonstration for 26 March 2011 and understands that opposition to the austerity measures is gradually building up in the UK with demonstrations having already taken place as well as lobbies of Parliament and protests nationwide following the Con Dem announcement of eighty three billion […]


This Conference recognises that some aspects of government’s proposals published in ‘Universal Credit’ (November 2010) to reform the state welfare system are reportedly designed to make it easier for a single assessment of need. Such a system should relieve some of the burdensome pressure of women to make duplicate applications to a number of statutory […]

The NHS: An Allied Health Profession career for life?

This Conference is concerned that while many Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) have a positive experience of working for the NHS, some feel that they no longer have good career prospects and that there is a lack of training opportunities for AHPs. This means that therapists have limited chances to develop a wide range of skills […]

TUPE Protection and a fragmented workforce

Conference notes with concern the twin developments of the commitment of the Tory-Liberal Government to an ‘any willing provider’ approach to NHS services and the erosion of the value of TUPE as a protection for NHS staff transferred to other providers. Previously TUPE, the Cabinet Office Code of Practice on Transfers in the Public Sector […]


Conference believes that the policies of the current government pose the greatest threat to living standards of health workers of any time in the 63 years of the NHS. Conference thinks that the government is using the deficit as an opportunity to cut the public sector paybill rather than increase taxation to those responsible for […]


Conference re-affirms its commitment to the development of apprenticeships within the NHS and notes the success of the last Labour Government in significantly increasing the number of apprenticeships in the NHS in England. Apprenticeships in the NHS can be used as a significant career development tool for new and existing staff providing the means of […]

Protect and Reinforce our National Terms and Conditions

Conference notes that some NHS Foundation Trusts, such as Norfolk and Norwich, have been attempting to break from the national NHS pay and conditions embodied in Agenda for Change. We believe that this amounts to a fundamental attack on the safeguards on pay and conditions that a national scheme provides, and opens the door to […]

Nursing and Midwifery Council Support or Rhetoric

Conference notes that registered nurses have an obligation under the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) Code of Conduct to formally raise any concerns they have about patient safety. This is also incorporated into the NHS Constitution (England). We also note the importance of raising concerns about poor standards of patient care, in the wake of […]

Nursing Skill Mix Review

In a bid to save money, many health boards are focusing on the nursing wages bill and are using unsustainable tactics, such as freezing posts, not replacing registered nurses when they leave or retire and converting vacant registered nurse posts to a lower grade as they cost less. Despite all of the repeated assurances, from […]

Sickness Absence, Capability and Down Banding

This Conference is concerned that too few health staff have the facility to take negotiated disability leave when their impairment or long term health condition requires them to take time off work. In particular we are concerned that specific non apparent impairments relating to auto immune deficiencies including Rheumatoid Arthritis, HIV, Lupus, Ankylosing Spondylitis etc […]

Women in the NHS

Conference is concerned that, following the government’s decision that all NHS trusts will be expected to become foundation trusts, there is a real danger that we will see a major shift away from our hard fought and negotiated terms and condition of employment under Agenda for Change. We have already seen some foundation trusts take […]