Agenda for Chnage for Private Contractor Staff

Conference congratulates the national negotiating team on reaching agreement to allow Agenda for Change to be applied to staff employed by private contractors. This has every chance of eradicating the two tier workforce and being the catalyst to banish private contractors from NHS Soft Facilities Contracts. Whilst we welcome this move, we have serious concerns […]

Unsocial Hours Review

With the negotiations for an unsocial hours agreement under Agenda for Change well under way, we must learn lessons from the pay modernisation programme. In 2003 Conference passed a motion submitted by Exeter City Branch, that a survey be conducted and published to ascertain what the national rates of pay for sleep-in duty were, and […]

Agenda for Change, The Matching Process & Non-Clinical Jobs

This Health Conference expresses its concern that the implementation of the Job Evaluation Matching Exercise, which is intended to introduce Equal Pay for Equal Value into the Health Service, is in many cases doing the opposite, and that this is happening across the 4 countries, across disciplines and across grades. Conference is very disappointed at […]

NHS Pay, Terms and Conditions

Conference congratulates branches and activists where there has been a significant completion of matching, evaluation and assimilation of jobs under Agenda for Change. The majority of NHS staff will have been assimilated by the end of March 2006 and all this work has been mostly completed in partnership between staff side and management side representatives […]

Marketisation of the NHS

Conference notes that government policy in all of the four UK countries has led to the continuing privatisation of NHS services. Conference recognises the escalating competitive commercial market that is developing and welcomes the work of UNISON in providing advice and guidance to its members on the implications of the Government’s policies of NHS marketisation. […]

Blood Service Reconfiguration

Following the announcement by Peter Garwood – Managing Director of the National Blood Service, on Monday 27th March 2006, Conference registers its opposition to the planned reconfiguration of blood centres in the South West and Bristol and the knock on affect to the Birmingham Centre. Conference is concerned that this process was outside of any […]

NHS Crisis

This conference condemns the recent deluge of redundancies announced by Trusts across the country. In an indecent rush to balance the books, thousands of jobs have been lost in Staffordshire, Cornwall, London, Sussex, Plymouth, Leeds and NHS Direct to name just a few. We reject completely the statement made by the Prime Minister on April […]

Future of NHS Pensions

Conference welcomes the agreement reached at the Public Services Forum between the TUC and Central Government which safeguards the principles and protection of the pensions rights of existing members of the NHS Pensions Scheme. Conference recognises the key role that UNISON played to reach that agreement in which the government honoured its pensions contract with […]

Rule Q Definitions

In Q Fair Representation Delete all and replace with “Fair representation is the broad balance of representation of members of the electorate, taking into account such factors as age and low pay, the balance between full time and part time workers, manual and non-manual workers, different occupations, skills, race, sexual orientation, disability and gender identity.”

Regional Governance in England

Conference acknowledges the result of the North East referendum on an elected Regional Assembly in 2004 as the democratic will of the electorate. While Conference recognises the result and the concerns it represents in relation to elected assemblies we are disappointed that the ‘no’ vote was largely based on the pessimistic and business orientated arguments […]

Public Services

The government’s reform agenda for public services is being rolled out at an alarming rate and will radically and irreversibly change the provision and management of public services. Issues and proposals of concern include: 1)in health: a)proposals to re-organise strategic health authorities and fundamentally primary care trusts (PCTs) as part of ‘Commissioning a Patient led […]

UNISON Learning and Organising

Conference welcomes the continuing successful integration of education and learning issues within the union’s organising strategy, recognising that union education and training is a vital part of achieving organisational change and growth. UNISON’s educational resources have a major part to play in: 1)supporting recruitment and organising initiatives at branch and workplace level; 2)developing a new […]

Rule D1.3.1 National Delegate Conference: Composition

D1.3.1 & D1.3.2 Insert after “thereof” “as at 30 September in the year preceding the conference” P8.2 insert after “membership” “as at 30 September in the year preceding the conference”

Workers Memorial Day

Conference notes that on 11 November, and on the closest Sunday after that date each year within the United Kingdom, civic and religious ceremonies are held to mark the death and injuries caused as a result of war. It is with sadness that Conference also observes that although the International Trade Unions Movement has designated […]

PFI and Devolution – An Integrated Approach

UNISON has taken the lead in producing excellent evidence-based analysis of the fundamental damage that the private finance initiative (PFI) does to public service delivery and public service workers. It has also demonstrated that the sums do not add up and that this is not value for money. Now the chickens are coming home to […]