Support for Public Transport

Having an integrated, efficient public transport network is vital to the economy and to the daily lives of millions of people. While billions of pounds will be spent on building the HS2 rail line money is being cut from local authority budgets which leads to bus services being stopped, threatening the jobs of our members. […]


Conference condemns the persecution of Colombian unionists and political activists. 15% more trade unionists were killed in 2013 than in 2012. Congress deplores that 26 members of union backed Patriotic March, Colombia’s largest opposition movement, were killed in 2013 and many imprisoned, including two of its leaders. National Organiser Huber Ballesteros, who is also an […]

Rule D Retired Members’ Organisation

Rule D 6.2 Delete existing Rule D 6.2 and replace with: “The retired members in a Branch may form a retired members’ section within the Branch and elect annually a retired members’ secretary and such other retired members’ officers as may be determined by them and also elect representatives to other levels of the retired […]

Rule D Retired Members’ Organisation

Insert new Rule D 6.4: “D 6.4 Such Retired Members’ Sections shall have adequate and agreed funding for retired member activity and access to other resources subject to union guidelines.” Renumber subsequent paragraphs

Rule C Becoming a Member

Rule C 5.1 Delete second sentence “Any person……UNISON membership.”

Zero Hour Contracts

Conference notes the continuing and increasing use of zero hour contracts within the private home care sector and welcomes the work undertaken to promote UNISON’s Ethical Home Care Charter. Conference recognises that the procurement policies used by councils and other public bodies which focus on costs effectively encourages a race to the bottom in the […]

Rule D Retired Members’ Organisation

Insert new Rule D 6.3: “D 6.3 Such Retired Members’ Sections may formulate motions and proposals to the Branch Committee and the Regional Retired Members’ Committee.” Renumber subsequent paragraphs.

Schedule E Political Fund Ballot

Schedule E In 7. (d) delete “under these rules;” and replace with: “as specified in Section 78 of the Act; ” In 7 (i.) delete “;” replace with “.” Delete “and” Delete 7. (j) In 18 (a) insert after “be sent a voting paper by post”: “to his/her home address or another address that the […]

Rule D Retired Members’ Organisation

Rule D 6.6 add at end: “The National Retired Members’ Organisation may send two representatives of relevant retired members to each National Self-Organised Group Conference, with the right to speak but not to vote”.

Schedule E Political Fund Ballot

Schedule E 2 Delete “Brandon House, 180 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LW and replace with: “22nd floor, Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road, London, NW1 3JJ.”

Celebrating Eequality in WET Workplaces

Conference notes that workplace equality issues are often portrayed as problems, difficult to handle, a minority interest and all about discrimination and prejudice. Conference believes that equality is not a problem but rather is something to celebrate in our Water, Environment and Transport (WET) workplaces. By celebrating equality and celebrating diversity we can help end […]

Tackling Stress in Water, Environment and Transport Workplaces

Conference welcomes the work done over many years by UNISON negotiators and representatives in water, environment and transport (WET) to highlight and tackle workplace stress. Conference is concerned that the current climate, with persistent threat to jobs, is placing particular stresses on WET members. There is micro-management, ever more pressure to meet targets, with fewer […]

Budget Cuts and the Impact of Austerity on Black Workers and Communities

Conference condemns the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition for the widespread and unprecedented destruction of public services that has resulted from the savage and unprecedented reductions in central government funding to local government, health, education, police, probation and the rest of the public sector. Public sector workers have borne the brunt of this in job losses, the […]

Taking a Lead on Recruitment in the Energy Service Group

Conference notes that there are thousands of UNISON members working across the energy sector. Conference also notes that many energy companies have recently made staff redundant and there are plans for further redundancies and the off-shoring or out sourcing of jobs. Conference understands that in order to maintain union density and income, we will need […]

Bringing in the LGBT Vote for Public Services, Jobs and Growth

Conference recognises the importance of getting UNISON’s campaign messages out to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, particularly as we approach the next general election. Conference notes the Tories’ success in convincing many of the lie that their devastating cuts to jobs and public services are fair, necessary and good for the economy. They […]