Celebrating Our Milestones

Conference recognises the recent successes in working towards lesbian and gay (L&G) equality (most notably an equal age of consent, implementation of the Human Rights Act, laws on workplace discrimination, tenancy and adoption rights, the repeal of Section 28, the repeal of discriminatory sexual offences discrimination and the publication of Government proposals for the recognition […]

Strathclyde Police Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community Surgery

Conference notes that Strathclyde Police has introduced a monthly police surgery within the Glasgow Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Centre located in the heart of Glasgow’s city centre. This surgery was introduced in September 2002 with two main aims: to improve the provision of a police service for the LGBT community and to raise […]

Progress in the Police

Conference welcomes the progress being made by the majority of UK Police Forces in accepting diversity in all its forms but particularly in its final realisation that gay men and lesbians do, and should, be represented proportionally within its ranks. Conference applauds the brave lesbians and gay men who have, over the years fought to […]

Developing our International Work

Conference reaffirms its commitment to UNISON’s international work. Within the global economy, international co-operation and solidarity results in significant social, economic and political benefits for workers in the UK and abroad. Recent examples of successful co-operation with trade unions in other countries include: ·London Electricity’s reinstatement of recognition of UNISON at its Doxford site after […]

Lesbian and Gay Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Conference recognises with serious concern that lesbians and gay men face persecution, imprisonment and death in over 70 countries world-wide. Conference further recognises that 1.issues related to sexual identity are often not accepted as legitimate reasons for seeking asylum in British immigration and asylum legislation; 2.certain countries designated as “safe” by the Government have an […]

Becoming a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgener Self-Organised Group

Conference welcomes the comprehensive consultation exercise on a possible extension of the lesbian and gay group to include bisexual and transgender members and the report that has been produced as result of that exercise. This Conference believes the UNISON lesbian and gay self-organised group should become a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender self-organised group, and […]

Sex Discrimination Act (1975)

Conference notes that: 1.the Sex Discrimination Act (1975) forbids discrimination against married persons but offers no equivalent protection to unmarried persons; although, 2.the Equal Treatment Directive may protect married and unmarried persons equally from discrimination. Conference considers this is an “Achilles Heel” which may undermine legislation intended to promote equality for lesbians and gay men. […]

Lesbian and Gay Members with part-time jobs, manual jobs and other low paid jobs

Conference welcomes the progress this self-organised group (SOG) has made and has sustained towards achieving proportionality in its structure and towards achieving fair representation with respect to race and disability. Conference considers that this progress has resulted from specific structures, requirements and mechanisms applied rigorously and consistently and adequately resourced. It does not consider that […]

Trades Union Congress (TUC) General Council

Conference notes that: 1. in 2001 the Trades Union Congress (TUC) General Council was enlarged to include three new sections, H, I and J, each consisting of one seat and representing, respectively, trade unionists with disabilities, lesbian and gay trade unionists and trade unionists under 27 years of age. In 2002 bisexual and transgender trade […]

Asylum and the Treatment of Refugees

This Conference deplores the use of language in certain parts of the media and the Government which only provides fuel for racists such as the British National Party (BNP) to pour onto the fire that is currently burning in this country. In this, UNISON’s 10th anniversary year, Conference believes that we must all fight to […]

Say No to the Employers’ Pay Commission Proposals

Conference notes with alarm the Employers’ evidence to the NJC Local Government Pay Commission which: 1Seeks to restrict national bargaining to the annual pay settlement 2Suggests optional use of the current pay spine 3Calls for an end to Part 3 conditions 4Regards ‘contribution pay’ based on individual performance and behaviour as the means to link […]

Developing UNISON’s Organisation in Primary Care

Migrant Health Workers

2 Tier Workforce

Improving Working Lives