Guidelines for Next of Kin Issues and Recogniton of Same Sex Families

Implementing the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

Promoting Equality in the NHS

Improving Working Lives

Agenda for Change – Mental Health Services

Agenda for Change – Facility Time

Agenda for Change – Renegotiations

Agenda for Change Second Ballot

Decontamination Strategy

DECONTAMINATION STRATEGY Submitted by Eastern Regional Health Committee This conference expresses the greatest concern at the late involvement of UNISON in the “National Decontamination Strategy “ described in Health Circular HC/17/04 to branches on 10th March 2004. It appears from the information contained in the circular that decisions have already been made on future strategy […]

Rule H.6 Local Levies

Rule H.6.1 after “local purposes”, insert “,in accordance with a scheme approved by the National Executive Council,” Rule H.6.1.2 first sentence, delete “either”, and all after “members of the branch”. Delete Rule H.6.1.2 (a). Rule H.6.1.2 (b) delete “retention/remission”, and insert “funding”. Renumber Rule H.6.1.2 (b) as Rule H.6.1.2 (a). Add new Rule H.6.1.2 (b): […]

Rule B.1.9 At Work and in the Community

Rule B.1.9 delete “all” and insert “the United Kingdom Government, devolved administrations and all other”

Rule A.3 Anti-Discrimination Policy

Rules A.3, B.1.2, B.1.3, B.1.6, B.1.7, B.2.6, D.2.11.3, I.2.3 and Q Fair Representation after “sexuality,” insert “gender identity.” Rule B.2.3 delete “lesbians and gay men.” and insert “, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members.”

Rule P.1.3.6 Application of Standing Orders

Add new Rule P.1.3.6: “P.1.3.6Standing Orders Committees for Service Group Conferences, in exercising powers in accordance with Rule P.2.3, shall have regard to the national negotiating machinery in devolved administrations. The Standing Orders Committee may make recommendations to restrict voting to representatives of members covered by that machinery which shall be subject to ratification by […]

Schedule E:Political Fund Ballot

Delete all, including Appendix 1 and 2, and replace with: “Schedule E: Political Fund Ballot RULES FOR BALLOT TO MAINTAIN A POLITICAL FUND UNISON PARTIAL ALTERATION OF RULES Rules for a ballot under section 74 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (as amended). GENERAL 1. The executive shall be responsible to […]

Rule Q Definitions

Rule Q add: “REGIONS means the organisational structure between branches and the National Executive Council based on the union’s administrative regions of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.”