Trans health equality

Conference expresses concern about serious health inequalities still experienced by trans people, in general health services and services specific to gender identity issues. Scottish Transgender Alliance (STA) research revealed: 1)Mental health problems, including suicide, self harm, anxiety and depression; 2)Lack of primary care facilities – many general practitioners having little or no knowledge of transgender […]

Using social media for LGBT organising and campaigning

Conference welcomes UNISON’s increased use of social media as an additional tool to reach its members. Nationally UNISON has an active presence on facebook, twitter and pinterest and many regions and branches also run their own accounts on social media sites. Conference believes that effective communication is fundamental to ensuring that the right information reaches […]

LGBT – going for growth

Conference notes that, although trade unionists know that the global banking crisis was not caused by Labour’s investment in Sure Start, in extra teaching assistants or in reducing National Health Service waiting times, the Tory lie that excess public spending was the cause of the current economic crisis is believed by much of the public. […]

Challenging attacks on equality and human rights

Conference is concerned about the Tory government’s ever deepening attacks on the equality and human rights framework and their impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) members. In May 2012, the government announced the outcome of its 2011 Red Tape Challenge ‘spotlight on equality’, which reviewed the 2010 Equality Act before the ink on […]

Reaching our potential members

Conference notes that UNISON has always led the trade union movement on equality, including through our rulebook commitment to fair representation. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) self-organisation has been instrumental in making sure that our practice lives up to our principles. Conference recognises that the organising challenges we face now are greater than ever […]

Negotiating for equality in a time of cuts

Conference notes that as we approach the third year of this Tory-led government’s attack on public service workers and failed austerity measures, swathes of workers face worsening terms and conditions. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are affected like any other worker, as pay and conditions are undermined. But the impact on terms and […]

Pay and Pride

Conference notes the disregard shown by the Tory led United Kingdom Government to equality in law and the discriminations that employees encounter within their respective workplaces. Conference also notes that many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people work within the public services because of the terms and conditions afforded them and the regard to […]

The LGBT Calendar

Conference recognises the plethora of events, regionally, nationally and internationally that are now taking place on an annual basis. We recognise that UNISON has a number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) events that are supported or UNISON LGBT members are an active ingredient in their success. Therefore we ask the National LGBT Committee […]


Conference recognises the difficult but outstanding work done by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) support agencies. We know that HIV and AIDS prevention and support services do not appear to have a sufficiently high enough profile in mainstream press and media, but we do know statistics are available on an annual […]

Ukrainian State Discrimination

Conference notes with deep concern moves in the Ukrainian parliament for a bill restricting the distribution of and access to information “promoting homosexuality”. The bill would amend several laws including the law on protection of public morals, the law on print media, the law on television and radio broadcasting, the law on publishing and the […]

Kiev Pride Event

Pride represents a vibrant celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) life in the United Kingdom (UK); it also makes an important political statement. At its core, it’s also about recognising and respecting the rights of all people to freely express their sexual identity without fear of discrimination or persecution. Pride offers a unique […]

LGBT Awareness Training – Supporting our LGBT Members

Conference commends the work of the National lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Committee with regards to raising awareness across this union of issues affecting LGBT members. Conference welcomes the progress made in raising the profile of LGBT participation in our union. UNISON has been at the forefront of the equality agenda and we can […]

LGBT Community Fighting the Far Right at the Ballot Box

Conference notes the poor turn out in the May 2012 Local Government elections. In past elections far right candidates have won council seats by organising their supporters to vote while many ordinary voters, including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), have stayed away from the ballot box and not used their […]

Including Retired Member (1)

Conference recalls motion 10 carried at 2010 UNISON lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Conference which noted the anomaly in the self-organised group’s (SOG) structure that, whereas at branch level and at open meetings at other levels LGBT retired members may take part and speak for themselves, at this conference they are silenced and must […]

Including Retired Members (2)

Conference notes that: 1)UNISON has over 160,000 Retired Members, more by far than any other trades union in the United Kingdom and a number growing by about four per cent per year; 2)UNISON, uniquely, organises retired members in a structure that mirrors that of UNISON as a whole and UNISON Rules also provide for retired […]