Blue light proposals – a threat to police staff jobs

Conference is concerned that the Government proposals on emergency service collaboration is a threat to the further erosion of Police Staff roles. The initiative seeks to collaborate all ‘blue lights’ through the sharing of facilities, control rooms and support services and poses a further threat to Police Staff jobs. The work has started in many […]


This Conference recognises this phrase – ‘I’ll only be a minute’ as the most common reason abled bodied motorists give for parking in ‘disabled’ designated parking bays. For those motorists, or their passengers, who have mobility issues and who rely on theses spaces to be able to access work, services and shopping etc. the lack […]


This Conference recognises that good mental health support for members in UNISON is of vital importance and congratulates Cymru/Wales Region on their initiatives and development of Mental Health Champions. UNISON Cymru/Wales has been active on mental health for some time. Last year, with the help of Mind Cymru and Time to Change Wales, Cymru/Wales Disabled […]

Sector Committees for the National Probation Service and the Community Rehabilitation Companies

Conference notes that: 1)The existing national negotiating machinery for the Probation Service is now under review following the split of the Service into the National Probation Service and the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs); 2)The National Probation Service (NPS) is a civil service employer covering England and Wales with a workforce of 9,400 staff; 3)UNISON […]

Powers for Community Support Volunteers and Police Support Volunteers

Conference notes with concern the proposals in the 2016 Policing and Crime Bill to award significant police powers to community support volunteers and police support volunteers, by: a)creating two new designated volunteer roles – Community support volunteer (volunteer PCSO) and Police support volunteer; b)creating a reserve list of police powers to be exercised only by […]

An inflexible police service

The College of Policing guidance on flexible working states that “Policing is a demand led, 24/7 service where its people are key to its successful delivery. By providing flexible working arrangements for staff, organisations are shown to have a more motivated and productive workforce…. it is about gaining a balance that provides an opportunity for […]

Health and Safety in the probation service

Conference notes with concern that the new contracts in the Probation Service agreed by the Ministry of Justice do not take account of many health and safety and data protection issues. Members working in the service report that: a)the layout of the workspace leads to interviews with clients being conducted in open-plan offices, with no […]

Dispel The Myths Around Protected Police Budgets

Conference notes that in his November 2015 Spending Review, Chancellor George Osborne stated “Now is not the time for further Police cuts, now is the time to back our Police and give them the tools to do the job” (BBC News 25 November 2015). Yet in April 2016, the South Yorkshire Police outline policing plan […]


This Conference believes it is clear that young members are amongst those groups where stress and mental health issues are of growing prevalence and concern. This Conference welcomes the work undertaken by our young members organisation to raise this issue through their work in Young Workers Month (November 2015). Workplace meetings and events were organised […]

Further Education Pay

Conference welcomes the first ever national agreement for FE staff in Scotland and that we are moving towards new national bargaining through the establishment of a new National Joint Negotiating Committee in Scotland. Employers and trade unions have also committed to negotiate a new single pay structure and new single set of conditions of service […]

Members in Schools – Career Development

Conference, all staff in schools carry out increasingly diverse and responsible roles, yet many have very little opportunity for developing their careers. We know that if staffs are given the opportunity to progress in their career, it results in improved morale, performance and expertise thereby improving the performance of the school. It is vital that […]

Area Reviews

Conference notes with concern that in September 2015 the Government announced a review of post-16 education and training. Area based reviews have begun, effecting members in colleges across England. Conference believes that these reviews are likely to result in further cuts, job losses and site closures, in a sector where members have already faced severe […]

Single Status and Local Government Pay

Conference, we all know the plight of local government pay and the impact that in real terms we have seen a 20% pay cut in the last 10 years for our members. With minimum pay awards, many councils have added a local pay supplement to ensure that some of the lowest paid employees are paid […]

Local Government Trading Companies

Conference we know that many councils have now established local trading companies. As you know these trade as separate companies to the council, but are wholly owned by them. Within local UNISON branches we are told that the reasons behind these companies being established normally falls into two categories: 1)Service delivery model, where they do […]

Stress and Overwork

Conference we remain concerned at the cuts and extreme pressures on local government workers and the real crisis in Councils across the UK, and support the need for more resources and investment by Scottish and UK Governments. The Westminster government’s slash and burn response to the economic crisis, and their austerity measures have resulted in […]