
This Conference notes the horrific experiences that many people have of the immigration process in the UK and the role that the Dungavel Detention Centre in South Lanarkshire has played in this. This is not the only detention centre in the UK. Conference is particularly concerned with the experiences of the Lanarkshire Health Branch that […]

Branch Involvement in the Private Contractor Unit

This Conference notes the creation of the Private Contractor Unit at a Strategic Level within the National Office at UNISON. Whilst it is an important move to co-ordinate the work of various parts of the UNISON structure with our relationships with the various private contractors in the NHS and across the public services this Conference […]

Learning Disability Nurse Training

This conference is alarmed at emerging evidence that Learning Disability Nurse training is not being commissioned by Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) in certain parts of the country. We are convinced that there will always be a role for a registered nurse within this field of care. We are concerned, however, that because there is now, […]


·Conference deplores the failure of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Trusts within Northern Ireland to exercise their statutory obligations under Section 75 and Statutory Duty in employing and providing services for those with disabilities; · ·Conference calls on UNISON to seek an immediate Audit of the numbers of disabled staff employed within the Northern […]

Associate Mental Health Practitioner

This conference is becoming increasingly alarmed at the introduction of a new worker called the Associate Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP) within a large mental health trust in the South East of England. The AMHP was originally introduced in response to a shortage of registered mental health nurses in that particular geographical area but is now […]

Racist Attacks on Health Service Staff in Northern Ireland

Conference deplores the racist attacks carried out against our overseas colleagues working within the National Health Service. Conference commends the work of the Northern Ireland Region who have been at the forefront of highlighting and attempting to tackle the evils of racism. Conference therefore calls on UNISON to ensure the Government is lobbied to provide […]

Mental Health Services

This conference recognises that much of the current mental health legislation dates back to the 1950’s and that even the most recent amendments to the Mental Health Act in 1983 are now seriously out of date. Many improvements to mental health services, particularly over the last 5 years, have necessitated a root and branch review […]

Advance Practice – We are not doctor’s hand maidens

Healthcare is changing and the Nursing Sector welcomes the opportunity to have a debate around individual roles and responsibilities. We have particularly welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Nursing & Midwifery Council consultation on advance practise. However in recent weeks there has been speculation that nurses and other professionals should not undertake surgical procedures. […]

Completing the Picture – Raising the Profile of Non-Clinical NHS Staff

Conference welcomes the campaign ‘Completing the Picture’ which aims to raise the profile of clerical, administrative and managerial staff in the NHS. This campaign, organised by UNISON with the NHS Confederation, won the support of 116 MP’s who signed an Early Day Motion in October/November 2004. The campaign pack features real people doing real jobs, […]

Flat Rate, Pan London Weighting

Whilst recognising that some staff have done well out of the high cost area allowance under Agenda for Change, many staff have actually lost some of their London weighing due the move from a flat-rate to a percentage rate. This is a retrograde step as it affects the lowest paid staff. It is also the […]

Overseas Nurses Network

Conference notes the success of the Overseas Nurses Network in Scotland and therefore should seriously consider the setting up of an Overseas Nurses Network in England and Wales and an Overseas Nurses Network in Northern Ireland, thus emulating the good practise of our brothers and sisters in Scottish UNISON. Such a formation of Overseas Nurses […]

Agenda for Change and the Two-Tier Workforce

Conference notes the strategy being pursued by the Health Group Executive and Private Contractors Unit to ensure Agenda for Change is implemented by private contractors. Conference is also aware of other pressure to end the two-tier workforce in health and that last year’s Composite J called on the Health Group Executive to negotiate a deal […]

Unsocial Hours and Agenda for Change

Conference notes that negotiations are to continue later this year on harmonised unsocial hours payments under AfC. 1.Conference believes that unsocial hours payment should be directly linked to unsocial hours worked as in the current Whitley system; 2.Conference does not believe that the introduction of a percentage addition to basic pay, dependant on average unsocial […]

Funding for Back-Fill to Implement Agenda for Change

Conference notes that just prior to the Special Conference on Agenda for Change the Government announced £30 million would be made available to support the funding of back-fill for union activists to enable us to implement it properly. This was then clarified as being £15 million in 2004/5 and £15 million in 2005/6. Facility time […]

Privatisation of Sterile Services Departments

Last year’s health conference called for a halt to Department of Health’s (England) National Decontamination Strategy until full consultation had taken place with UNISON and other trade unions. It is clear that there has been no meaningful consultation and the Government and Department of Health are intent on pressing ahead with a strategy of privatisation […]