Rule A.3 Anti-Discrimination Policy

Rules A.3, B.1.2, B.1.3, B.1.6, B.1.7, B.2.6, D.2.11.3, I.2.3 and Q Fair Representation after “sexuality,” insert “gender identity.” Rule B.2.3 delete “lesbians and gay men.” and insert “, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members.”

Rule P.1.3.6 Application of Standing Orders

Add new Rule P.1.3.6: “P.1.3.6Standing Orders Committees for Service Group Conferences, in exercising powers in accordance with Rule P.2.3, shall have regard to the national negotiating machinery in devolved administrations. The Standing Orders Committee may make recommendations to restrict voting to representatives of members covered by that machinery which shall be subject to ratification by […]

Organising in the Community and Voluntary Sector

Conference notes that substantial progress has been made in recent years in improving UNISON’s membership base and organisation in the community and voluntary sector. At the end of 2003 UNISON membership in this sector had reached in excess of 42,000, a 40 per cent increase since the adoption by Conference of a national organising plan […]

Schedule E:Political Fund Ballot

Delete all, including Appendix 1 and 2, and replace with: “Schedule E: Political Fund Ballot RULES FOR BALLOT TO MAINTAIN A POLITICAL FUND UNISON PARTIAL ALTERATION OF RULES Rules for a ballot under section 74 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (as amended). GENERAL 1. The executive shall be responsible to […]

Rule Q Definitions

Rule Q add: “REGIONS means the organisational structure between branches and the National Executive Council based on the union’s administrative regions of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.”

Rule Q Definitions

Rule Q add: “DEVOLVED ADMINISTRATIONS means the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales and the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly.”

Rule F.3.1.5 Functions of Regions

Add new Rule F.3.1.5: “F.3.1.5 consult with devolved administrations on public services and relevant economic, political and social issues.” Renumber subsequent paragraphs.

Rule F.4.1 Regional Council

Rule F.4.1 after “power,” insert “,where relevant, in accordance with Rule B.2.7”

Rule D.2.8.5 Powers

Add new Rule D.2.8.5: “D.2.8.5 to issue a protocol on devolved administration and union governance” Renumber subsequent paragraphs.

UNISON’s Anti-Racist Strategy

Conference notes that the National Executive Council as part of its overall objectives for 2004/5 has identified a number of priorities that inform UNISON’s race equality work. These are: 1)developing and implementing an anti-racist strategy across the union; 2)tackling racism in the workplace; 3)the effective implementation of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act; 4)promoting respect for […]

Trade Union Education and Organising

Conference notes: 1)the effective development and delivery of education provision for UNISON activists and potential activists at branch, region and national level across UNISON, which enables in the region of 10,000 activists a year to access training; 2)the successful roll out of training for a new stream of activists, union learning representatives and lifelong learning […]


Conference is concerned that an increasing number of UK jobs are being offshored. The establishment of call centres in India and elsewhere has so far resulted in the loss of 1,500 jobs affecting UNISON members in the energy and water companies. While in the last two years 50,000 jobs in the UK finance sector alone […]

Occupational Pensions

Conference notes the growing retreat by employers from the provision of good quality occupational schemes. This includes not only the closure of final salary schemes, but also moves to downgrade schemes by worsening accrual rates, increasing employee contributions and raising retirement ages. Conference believes that unless the above trends are reversed, the results will be […]

Policy Development, Bargaining and Devolution

Conference approves the recommendations contained in the National Executive Council’s report on Policy Development, Bargaining and Devolution: 1)The need for a clear set of basic values and actions to underpin the relationships between the UK level union and UNISON regions should be addressed through a devolution protocol. The protocol will incorporate an information and communications […]

Rule H.6 Local Levies

Rule H.6.1 after “local purposes”, insert “,in accordance with a scheme approved by the National Executive Council,” Rule H.6.1.2 first sentence, delete “either”, and all after “members of the branch”. Delete Rule H.6.1.2 (a). Rule H.6.1.2 (b) delete “retention/remission”, and insert “funding”. Renumber Rule H.6.1.2 (b) as Rule H.6.1.2 (a). Add new Rule H.6.1.2 (b): […]