Black members’ Training schools for Black workers

Conference notes that we need to provide better access to Black members for a range of training but especially in relation to raising their political awareness. Many of the delegates to our National Black Members Conference have had limited if any opportunity to engage in political debate in terms of race; we don’t seem to […]

Katrina clear up probe

Conference notes that Cable News Network (CNN) news reported in May 2006 that almost $17m is being withheld by the state of Mississippi while authorities probe a ‘multitude of discrepancies’ in invoices that contractors submitted for the removal of debris from Hurricane Katrina. The state was forced to stop making payments in late April to […]

Opposing all slavery in the 21st centuary

Conference notes recent British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) news reports on the growing number of child brides across the world, and the growth in abduction of children from their homes, as well as the problem of families ‘selling’ children to unscrupulous businessmen. It is clear that international laws are being ignored in some countries as they […]

No place for a Black child – child detentions

Conference notes the issue of immigration and asylum management is becoming even more of an issue for vulnerable children. As Black people we are disproportionately affected by all of the aspects of the ‘race’ motivated government approach to immigration and asylum. These children have committed no crime but are held behind locked doors and high […]

Health checks for Black workers and members

Conference notes there is a worrying increase in chronic health needs amongst Black workers across all our workplaces. Branches could quite easily provide access to health checks e.g. diabetes, blood pressure, sickle cell/thalassaemia and cholesterol levels at branch committee and Annual General Meetings (AGMs) to Black members. Conference believes this could also be a positive […]

Collective Bargaining

Conference notes there is a clear need for Black workers who are not active to become active in the trade union movement to do so in whatever way they can. Branches need to approach this by identifying issues of concern for all members in the workplace from a race perspective. Issues such as access to […]

Bully Brother

National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) is appalled at Channel 4’s manipulation of the current Celebrity Big Brother programme. NBMC is concerned that the blatant flaunting of racism and bullying of Shilpa by her housemates Jade, Danielle and Jo is totally unacceptable and has no place in the 21st Century. Channel 4 views itself as being […]

Black activists need facility time

Conference notes that while UNISON faces the challenge of negotiating facility time per se, Black members and activists face additional barriers to participation. Conference believes we cannot all continue to juggle work, home and trade union activities without adequate facility time and paid time off for duties and activities that support the work of challenging […]

Skinny Models

Conference applauds the Spanish government in taking the first step on putting pressure on the Association of Fashion Designers to use a calculation known as the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is based on weight and height to reject excessively thin models. The World Health Organisation says a person’s BMI should be between 18 and […]

Promoting the Gender Equality Duty

Conference is pleased to note that with effect from April 2007, there will be a statutory duty on all public authorities to have due regard to the need to: 1)eliminate unlawful sex discrimination; 2)promote equality of opportunity between men and women Public authorities will no longer be able to simply respond to complaints of sex […]

Violence Against Women

Conference welcomes the recent report of the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) entitled “In-Depth Study on all Forms of Violence against Women” which acknowledges the role of violence against women (VAW) in perpetuating the subordination of women in all societies throughout the globe. The UN report specifically states that strengthening efforts to achieve […]

Preservation of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Vision

Conference is pleased to note that UNISON has purchased the site of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital for conversion to its new national office. Elizabeth Garret Anderson (EGA) 1836-1917 was the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the United Kingdom (UK) in 1865. As universities did not admit women she had a struggle, […]

Women in Prison

Conference notes that despite the shortage of prison places, and the current overcrowding in Britain’s jails, women are still far more likely to receive custodial sentences than men committing comparable crimes. Conference is also concerned to note that despite comprising only six per cent of the prison population, 55 per cent of all self-harm incidents […]

Sex Tourism

Conference notes with concern the recent increase in the numbers of men travelling abroad solely for the purpose of procuring sex. Whilst Conference acknowledges that this increase is partly due to the availability of cheaper air fares, Conference is also aware that sex tourism is yet another by-product of globalisation, which has amplified disparities of […]

Women’s Right to Choose – The Time to Act is Now

Conference is concerned that a woman’s right to access safe and legal abortion is increasingly coming under attack. Pro Life, a misleadingly titled anti-choice organisation which aims to criminalise all abortion, is gaining media time and coverage. They have already influenced and encouraged an Early Day Motion which commits Parliament to a review of the […]