
Conference notes that it is still very unclear on how regionalisation will impact on policing and police forces. Conference is extremely disappointed that UNISON appears to have forgotten the Police Service Group and only appears to have concentrated on its impact on Local Government. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to produce a comprehensive report […]

Removal of Intolerable Sickness Absence Sanctions

Conference condemns the introduction of intolerant and mandatory sickness absence sanctions such as the Bradford score, when used as part of managing attendance policies. The Bradford score can be set at any trigger point, whereby after a number of days off or a number of spells of absence a management action occurs. This crude approach […]


Conference notes that the TUC estimates that between 150,000 and 200,000 jobs could be at risk in the private service sector due to work being offshored. Conference believes that offshoring on the scale envisaged is not inevitable but while it is happening the priority must be to defend our member’s jobs. Therefore we welcome work […]

National Incentive Recruitment Campaign

This Conference regrets our very successful national incentive recruitment campaign has been replaced by Best Organised branch due to funding issues. Recruitment is a lay member activity and its success is crucial to the continuation of UNISON as an effective representative organisation. Conference therefore welcomes the NEC’s decision to make recruitment a national priority this […]

Government 10 Year Transport Plan – The Role of the Workforce

Conference welcomes the Government’s decision to review progress on achieving the aims of its 10 Year Transport Plan which, so far, has failed to produce any major improvements in public transport provision, significantly reduce road congestion and reduce deaths and casualties on out roads and railways. Conference notes that policy makers often overlook the role […]

Investment in Public Transport

This Conference welcomes recent initiatives by the Government to invest in public transport within West Yorkshire, such as YellowBus, Yorcard and real time information, but notes with great concern that this is insufficient to redress the Tory legacy of inadequate investment in public transport provision. This Conference also notes that despite the recent problems with […]


Conference notes that: 1)the UK continues to face a crisis in its pensions provisions for the future; 2)despite government initiatives such as raising payments to the poorest pensioners, free eye tests and the winter fuel allowance, too many pensioners are still condemned to live and die in poverty; 3)there are widespread moves in private sector […]

Restoration of the Value of the State Pension

Conference notes the introduction of the pensioner credits scheme and notes that more than one million pensioners have not made application for such credits. The low take-up rate of these means-tested benefits was thoroughly predictable Conference believes that restoration of the state pension scheme to its former monetary value is the proper way forward and […]

Police Community Support Officer Funding

This Conference is aware that Government funding for the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) employed by many police forces across the country is shortly to come to an end. Some police forces have indicated that they may not be able to maintain the levels of PCSOs that they currently employ when this funding runs out. […]

Service Group Executive

At the Service Group Seminar at Croyde Bay in 2003, the Service Group Executive were asked to report in full on the progress made towards achieving the goals of Composite C of the Service Group Conference 2003. Conference is dismayed that no report was given. This Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to prioritise the […]

Local Government Pension Scheme Pensions

This Conference calls upon the Government to reconsider changes in the Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS) which may be detrimental to our members. Such changes include: 1)from April 2004, the right to a return of pensions contributions are to be removed and immediate ‘vesting’ of pension rights will be introduce; 2)from April 2005, increasing the […]

National Minimum Wage

Conference notes that: 1)UNISON’s latest submission to the Low Pay Commission provides a radical and progressive solution to the problem of low paid young workers; 2)UNISON welcomes the government’s decision to introduce a minimum wage for 16 and 17 year olds, from 1 October 2004. However, we are concerned that the government chose to retain […]

Transport Policy

Conference notes the success of the free bus travel system in Wales which has extended travel to all persons aged over 60 and disabled people. The Welsh system allows travel on any one, or a series of, buses for journeys beginning and ending in Wales. The benefits have been substantial and have led to an […]

Organisation of Young Members

Conference notes: 1) the hard work and commitment of activists at branch, regional and national level that resulted in the excellent young members’ recruitment figures for 2003, and that this is recognised as an essential part of UNISON’s work in building a sustainable, organised union; 2)that successful campaigning/organising work led by young members around workplace […]

International Policy

International developments, whether economic, social or political, affect all areas of UNISON’s membership. Conference, in recognising this, notes that one of the founding principles of the union was that of international solidarity and friendship with trade unions overseas and in particular with unions struggling against the forces of oppression, privatisation and injustice. For decades we […]