Probation: Stop the Sell Off

Conference condemns the decision of the Coalition Government to proceed with the split of the Probation workforce into the National Probation Service (NPS) and the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) on 1 June. Conference notes that the split was undertaken despite: 1)A formal request from the probation unions to the Ministry of Justice Permanent Secretary […]

Defend National Terms and Conditions

Conference welcomes the work done by UNISON, and sister unions National Association of Probation Officers (Napo) and GMB, to negotiate a staff transfer and protections agreement for probation members, that protects national collective bargaining into the National Probation Service (NPS) and the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs). Conference also acknowledges the protections for the continuation […]

Police and Justice Staff are Worth It

Conference welcomes UNISON’s 2014 ‘Worth It’ campaign to make sure that the pay of public sector workers stays at the top of the agenda in the run up to the 2015 general election. Police staff, probation workers and Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) employees have all seen the purchasing power of […]

College of Policing Must Be Independent of Government and Police Leadership

Conference notes that UNISON: 1)Has so far supported the creation of the College of Policing as an independent professional body for all those working in the profession of policing; 2)Is represented on the College Professional Committee; 3)Has declined a directorship on the College Board on account of concerns over the potential conflict of interest between […]

Reform of Police Staff Pay and Conditions

Conference notes that: 1)The Police Staff Council has ensured 18 years of industrial harmony in police forces in England and Wales. 2)This positive industrial relations climate has not come about by chance, but is the product of hard work on the part of all stakeholders on the Council. 3)The Police Staff Council Handbook (amended in […]

If It’s An Arrestable Offence, Arrest!

Conference will note the increasing demanding nature of police work as a result of austerity related funding cuts, staff shortages and redundancies that have resulted in the expectation of those left behind to do more with less resulting in the workplace being a more stressful environment. Conference will further note that as a result of […]

Transfer of Police Staff from Wiltshire Police to Wiltshire Council and other Strategic Partners.

At conference in 2013 you will recall a motion was passed highlighting a situation that was developing in Wiltshire Police regarding the transfer of Police Staff to Wiltshire Council. Conference will remember that the proposal was to transfer staff from the following departments of Wiltshire Police; Project Management, Information Services & Technology, Estates, Finance, Legal […]

Police Reform and Force Mergers

Conference notes with massive concern the continued savage cuts of public expenditure to Scottish policing as a result of the Scottish Government’s dogmatic pursuit of its artificial manifesto pledge of an additional 1000 Police Officers as well as the brutal unachievable savings they trumpet will be made of £1.5 billion in 15 years. This political […]

Soma Mining Tragedy

Conference will be aware that on 13 May 2014, an explosion at the coal mine in Soma, Manisa, western Turkey caused an underground mine fire which burned until 15 May killing a total, 301 people in what can only be described as the worst mining disaster in Turkey’s history. The mine, operated by coal producer […]

Root and Branch

With a static or decreasing number of members in our branches we need to review how we organise within the Water, Environment and Transport Service Group (WET). As moves are made to change our branches we need to find a structure that suits us before one is imposed. There seems to be a coordinated effort […]

Save the Pensioner’s Bus Pass

It has been reported that the Government is considering introducing means testing for the Pensioners Bus Pass. This is a short sighted policy that will bring little benefit to the taxpayer. It will however bring isolation and misery to those pensioners who rely on public transport to travel but who will not be able to […]

HS2 Rail Project and Other Rail Developments

Conference welcomes the Coalition Government’s planned increase in rail investment, but questions the value for money, rape of the environment and a 12 year wait for completion of the HS2 high speed rail line at this time of austerity when the project will cut just 45 minutes off a journey from Birmingham to London. Conference […]

Support for Public Transport

Having an integrated, efficient public transport network is vital to the economy and to the daily lives of millions of people. While billions of pounds will be spent on building the HS2 rail line money is being cut from local authority budgets which leads to bus services being stopped, threatening the jobs of our members. […]


Conference condemns the persecution of Colombian unionists and political activists. 15% more trade unionists were killed in 2013 than in 2012. Congress deplores that 26 members of union backed Patriotic March, Colombia’s largest opposition movement, were killed in 2013 and many imprisoned, including two of its leaders. National Organiser Huber Ballesteros, who is also an […]

Rule D Retired Members’ Organisation

Rule D 6.2 Delete existing Rule D 6.2 and replace with: “The retired members in a Branch may form a retired members’ section within the Branch and elect annually a retired members’ secretary and such other retired members’ officers as may be determined by them and also elect representatives to other levels of the retired […]