The Big Society – Nothing about us, without us, is for us

Conference calls on the National Executive Committee to build on its current campaign to expose, challenge and defeat Cameron’s twisted concept of the Big Society. The slogan “Nothing about us, without us, is for us” has been used by marginalised groups across the world who are excluded from making decisions which affect their daily lives. […]

Defending Our Right to Industrial Action

Conference recognises and applauds the many successful and momentous campaigns of industrial action that trade unions have staged over the last thirty years. Campaigns that have succeeded despite an increasingly severe legal framework intended to stifle the ability of workers to withdraw their labour in support of a legitimate trade dispute. Conference acknowledges that taking […]

Cross-functioning across Clean and Waste Sites.

The latest reorganisations within several of the water companies seem to have turned the clock back and brought clean and waste water operatives working together and cross functioning across sites. This seems to us to be a backward step. The risk of contamination to workers and the public was a major reason why these streams […]

Low Pay

CAMPAIGNING AGAINST LOW PAY. UNISON remains committed to gender equality within all our pay structures and we commend the highly successful on-going campaign financed and delivered by our organisation to achieve this end. At the same time low pay appears to have been largely ignored as a priority of our members. Since 1990 UNISON has […]

Copper Theft

Health and Safety: Copper theft from Distribution Networks. As the price of scrap metal soars even higher so the growing temptations to steal scrap metal – particularly copper – increases. More Distribution Network Organisations have to deal with the real threat posed by the theft of copper both from substations and off the live Network. […]

Nuclear Generation

Nuclear Energy. Let’s Consider The Options. Since the privatisation of the UK Energy Industry most energy companies have been subjected to some degree of foreign ownership where a considerable ‘’laissez faire’’ attitude to the consideration of nuclear energy exists. Edf – the French owned Energy Company in particular has expressed its commitment to furthering nuclear […]

Abolition of the Two Tier Code

Conference deplores the Tory approach to procurement, and further outsourcing of public services. Conference further condemns the government’s abolition of the central government two tier code that protected contracted out workers from employers wanting to force down their terms and conditions and is concerned that it will be removed in other parts of government where […]

Cuts to Benefits and Welfare

Conference notes that the Conservative led government seems determined to embark on wholesale attempts to dismantle the welfare and benefits system. These deep and rapid cuts to benefits weren’t in any election manifestos. And now, nearly a year in, there are few people left who don’t know that these cuts are unfair and will hit […]

The International Campaign Against Public Service Cuts

The Conservative government, with the support of the Liberal Democrats, is attacking our public services. UNISON faces many challenges in defending these services and those who work hard to deliver them. Our union’s record of international solidarity can strengthen UNISON’s response. Across the European Union national governments and the European Commission are pursuing policies aimed […]


Conference congratulates branches and regions that have ensured that UNISON continues to meet the challenge of recruiting and organising new members in what is an increasingly hostile environment. The onslaught against public services and the dedicated workers who deliver them by this Conservative led government means that building and sustaining strong workplace organisation must be […]


Conference notes that education has been at the forefront of the Conservative-led Coalition’s attempts to re-shape the UK and the education and childrens services of England. The common thread is one of disempowering and cutting democratic public authorities and encouraging the growth of private education providers and markets. These developments in turn put pressures on […]

Branch Funding

Conference notes that the current scheme for funding branches was introduced in 2001. Since its introduction the National Executive Council has monitored the scheme and the effects of its operation, particularly in relation to the changing disparities in the reserves held by branches. Conference therefore calls on the National Executive Council to review the current […]

Increase to Retirement Age

With this current Government being hellbent in increasing retirement ages until we drop, companies in the Water, Environment and Transport sector like others may invoke ‘capability’ to get rid of older workers. They tend to be higher paid with better terms and conditions and more likely to ‘challenge the system’ than younger workers. All workers […]

Aerosol Formation

0Although most of our companies that treat waste are phasing out the paddle rotation systems in the Activated Sludge Process and replacing them with the more efficient diffused oxygen technique another hazard involving aerosol formation is entering our workplaces. This is the composting of sludge waste and green waste to sell as garden compost and […]

Single Operator Manning.

Many of the assets of the Water Companies are large and situated in isolated locations. This is particularly true of sewage works which were deliberately built well away from populated areas. However this isolation now put our operatives at risk as these sites have copper cable, stainless steel screens and lots of metal equipment that […]