This Conference believes: 1.That after 8 years in power, the current Government has equalised the law for LGBT people in a number of areas including the new protection against homophobia at work, but has failed to deliver full legal equality for LGBT people; 2.This continuing inequality includes new partnership rights that fall short of full […]


Conference recognises that the UNISON publication “Equality and Inclusion: a public services agenda for Lesbians and Gay men” was an excellent publication for promoting our agenda and UNISON. This document was produced in 2001 and we have witnessed much legislative change over the past few years in the UK forum and also the devolved parliaments. […]


Conference notes that the proportion of delegates at UNISON Lesbian and Gay Conferences aged 50 and over was about 10% whereas about 30% of UNISON members are in this age group. Moreover, this showed little change from year to year and was reflected in membership of the National lesbian and gay Committee and, as far […]


Conference recognises that space is not made safe merely by declaring it so. Women disproportionately suffer inequality in our society and this has an impact on their self-confidence, on their ability to act as their own agents and on their perceptions of security. Because of such factors, women who attend conference experience the ‘space’ of […]


Conference notes that at present self-organised groups (as well as regions, the Young Members’ Forum and Retired Members) are only permitted to submit a total of two motions (including any rule amendments) to National Delegate Conference. Conference also notes that a proposal to increase this to four motions was defeated at National Delegate Conference in […]

Disability Equality Duty

Conference warmly welcomes the new disability equality duty that is due to come into force in December 2006, we believe this will provide UNISON with a great new organising tool as well as the opportunity to challenge disability discrimination at work and within public services. It is a strengthened version of the race duty – […]

Commission for Equality and Human Rights

Conference welcomes the progress made on the introduction of a single Commission for Equality and Human Rights(CEHR). However Conference is very concerned that there are still no plans to introduce legislation relating to the CEHR’s powers, constitution, terms of reference and details of the various strands and their link to each other. Conference is also […]

Prescription Charges and Exemptions

Conference congratulates the Welsh Assembly in agreeing to eliminate the charges that the people of Wales pay for prescription charges. Already reduced to £4 per prescription item, and in the lifetime of the current Welsh Assembly there is commitment to having free prescriptions in Wales by the end of 2006. Conference notes that there are […]

Amnesty for Illegal Workers to End Exploitation

Conference notes: 1)there are many thousands of paperless workers out there, without whose work the economy would grind to a standstill; 2)paperless workers are the invisible engine room of twilight London. No Londoner can easily escape involvement in this exploitation. Paperless workers serve us meals in restaurants, clean our hospitals, our hotels, streets and tube […]

School Remodelling Agreement

Conference believes the National Agreement on school remodelling offered the opportunity to develop a career structure for school support staff, a long held aim of UNISON. Today many authorities have agreed new pay and grading structures, but not all. New training opportunities have been developed and many schools, for the first time, are including support […]

Public Holidays at Weekends

Conference notes that this year Christmas Day and New Year’s Day fall on a Sunday. On such occasions when any part of the Christmas and New Year holidays fall on a weekend Police Officers working shifts receive paid compensation additional to the Sunday, i.e. Tuesday 27th December and Monday 2nd January are effectively Bank and […]

Social Worker Registration

Social workers are now required to register with the General Social Care Council in order to practice legally, and this registration has to be renewed every three years. In so doing they have to complete extensive registration documents that amongst other things ask personal questions within a medical declaration that includes disability status. When completing […]

The Social Model of Disability

Many UNISON disabled members that could potentially disadvantage them in the workplace do not identify their individual access requirements. The Disability Discrimination Act definition of a disabled person has recently been extended to define people with MS, HIV and cancer as disabled from a point of diagnosis. We welcome this legislative change as a signal […]

Developing a UNISON Vision for the NHS

Conference notes that, despite the record levels of investment going into the National Health Service (NHS), many NHS patients and staff are failing to experience the improvements that should be occurring. Too often, there exists a gap between the rhetoric about the positive changes that are supposed to be taking place in the NHS and […]

Restructuring of Public Services and UNISON Organisation

Conference notes that since 1993, when UNISON was established, the delivery of public services in the United Kingdom (UK) has been subject to widespread change and restructuring. The impact of change has been felt union-wide but in diverse ways with some services being more closely integrated, for example further and higher education, whilst others have […]