Substitute National Sector Committee Repreentatives to the Local Government SGE

This Conference notes that the UNISON NJC Committee, the Scottish Local Government Committee, the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum, and FE & 6th Form Colleges Committee as National Sector Committees are represented on the Local Government Service Group Executive (SGE). However at present there is no provision for these committees to send substitute representatives. This […]

Private Finance Initiative/ PPPs

We call on the Service Group Executive to support the Northern Ireland Region in its fight for the withdrawal of all proposed PFIs/PPPs and provide whatever resources, back-up etc that is necessary to accomplish this task.

Review of Public Administration

The Northern Ireland Region call upon the Service Group Executive to ensure the provision of support, resources and whatever else is necessary so that UNISON members are protected under the Review of Public Administration which will result in five Education and Library Boards becoming one. As UNISON should now be looking at increasing its density […]

Aggregation of all Previous Service for NJC and Scottish Joint Council Staff

Conference notes that NJC and the Scottish Joint Council staff must have continuous service in order to be entitled to any benefits including the ‘long service’ award (an extra 5 days holiday after 5 years service) and that this specifically disadvantages women who are more likely to have taken career breaks and will therefore have […]

Cycle Allowances

This Conference deplores the situation in which mileage allowances for work journeys by bicycle: 1)are individually and inconsistently set by local authorities across the country 2)are usually set at a rate that in no way reflects the true average annual costs of a bike and associated cyclists’ clothing and equipment, regular cycle maintenance and appropriate […]

Term Time Only Pay

This conference is dismayed that, despite the advances achieved by the schools remodelling agreement, support staff in schools are still treated less favourably than teachers. Already low paid support staff have been financially penalised by the withdrawal of their ability to claim benefits for school holidays, yet the majority do not get paid for the […]

The Local Government Implications of the Gender Equality Duty

Conference notes that the Public Sector duties on gender will come into force in April 2007 as part of the wider equalities legislation. The Gender Equality Duty will require service providers and public sector employers to design employment and services with the different needs of women and men in mind. This will be a significant […]

Local Government Reorganisation

This Conference is alarmed at the most recent developments in the continuing saga of reorganising the structure of local government in England. Ad hoc consultations with Council leaders and Chief Executives and statements appearing to favour some form of neighbourhood governance have undermined confidence in the Government’s ability to promote a clear strategy for finding […]

Pay Campaign 2006

Conference notes the imminent end of the current three-year pay deal and recognises the need to prepare a pay claim for 2007. Conference therefore calls on the National Local Government Service Group Executive to commence the process of engaging with members and Branches to assemble a claim which has the widespread support of the membership. […]

Funding of Local Government

Conference notes the financial pressures on Councils in the Northern Region –Expectation for Councils to deliver year on year 2.5% efficiency gains following the Gershon review –Cost of implementing single Status (£90 million in the region to date). –Increased contributions to Local Government Pension funds –Capping of council tax increases by Central Government Government funding […]


Conference recognised that for employees and Local Government employers, homeworking is likely to become commonplace and this raises trade union concerns for members. It is clear that this system of working may have advantages for our members. Therefore, it is essential that an in depth analysis is commissioned by UNISON taking into account a wide […]

Assessment of Ill Health

Conference notes the trend towards ever more rigorous application of varied standards before allowing access to pensions in cases of ill health While we are keen to explore all reasonable alternative work, especially within the rules of the Disabilities Discrimination Act, we are opposed to the termination of contracts due to incapacity without access to […]


Conference notes that while UNISON has campaigned hard for the defence of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), pensions remains an issue which is difficult to raise effectively among young members. Conference also notes that this is undoubtedly in part due to the prospect of a long-term investment of a significant element of income to […]

Rehabilitation Services for Disabled People

This conference believes that disabled people should be entitled to an holistic assessment of their needs and to receive services to meet those needs, including rehabilitation and other support services. These services should be provided by appropriately trained and paid local authority staff within a good career structure. Conference welcomes the campaign by “The Guide […]

Increase in Fuel Price – Negotiations

Conference calls upon the National Local Government Service Group Executive and the Scottish Local Government Committee to: 1)Re-negotiate the National Joint Council and the Scottish Joint Council rates on travelling in line with the increase in fuel prices; 2)Lobby for the Inland Revenue rate to be re-negotiated in line with the rise in fuel costs; […]