Including Retired Members more effectively at Self-Organised Group Conferences

Conference notes that: 1)In 2014, UNISON amended its rules to allow the retired members’ organisation to send two representatives of relevant retired members to each self-organised group (SOG) conference; 2) For the first five years, the retired members’ national committee (NRMC) picked these representatives but from this year self-nominations will be considered and voted on […]

Including More Retired Members more effectively at Self-Organised Group Conferences

Conference notes that: 1)In 2014, UNISON amended its rules to allow the retired members’ organisation to send two representatives of relevant retired members to each self-organised group (SOG) conference; 2. For the first five years, the retired members’ national committee (NRMC) picked these representatives but from this year self-nominations will be considered and voted on […]


Conference notes that UNISON’s policy on sex work, adopted in 2010 on the basis of a motion from women’s conference, is to support proposals which decriminalise the selling of sex acts while introducing a ‘sex buyers law’ criminalising those who purchase sex acts. Conference recognises that the great majority of sex workers are women. Conference […]

UNISON Rule Book Benefits – Ex-Members of NUPE in Same-Sex Relationships – Death of Spouse Benefit

Conference notes that: 1)Rule L4 provides that: “Members … on Vesting Day (1st July 1993) … retain entitlement to any financial benefits of their former union … providing they continue to remain in membership of UNISON”; and, 2. The Guide to UNISON Rule Book Benefits appears no longer to be available but an edition based […]

LGBT+ Hate Crime

Conference is concerned about the rise in hate crime against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender plus (LGBT+) community over recent years. Although there is no direct evidence as to the root cause of this, Brexit and a reduction in police staff numbers due to austerity are considered to be contributing to empowering a shift […]

LGBT+ Ally Training

Conference, it is no secret that LGBT+, people have a worse experience at work than people who identify as cis-gender and heterosexual. The Government Equalities Office in 2018 stated that 23% of respondents to their survey had experienced negative reactions from people in their workplace due to being, or the perception of them being, LGBT+. […]

Working to protect the Human Rights of LGBT+ People around the world

Conference, ILGA (the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) have just published their 2019 Sexual Orientation Laws across the world map. It makes alarming reading. There are still 6 countries in the world with the death penalty for being gay, 26 where you can get 10 years in prison and 31 where you […]

Promoting and Expanding LGBT+ Education in Schools

Conference, new statutory Government guidance was issued in 2019 for on Relationship and Sex Education (RSE). RSE covers a range of subjects including families, carers, friendships, relationships, sexual health, safety, consent, abuse, sex and love. From September 2020, all primary schools will be required to teach relationships education and all secondary schools will be required […]

Fighting Unfair Work Capability Assessments

Conference is concerned at the number of deaths following Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit (UC) claimants being found fit for work or where claimants have been denied Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP). Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) figures show that over 2,300 former claimants of sickness-related benefits […]

Educate to celebrate our diverse disabled and LGBT+ families

Conference welcomes the introduction of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Plus (LGBT+) inclusive relationship education in primary schools and relationship and sex education in secondary schools, which forms part of the Department for Education’s statutory guidance, applying to all maintained schools, academies and free schools. Although the mainstream media has focused on the inclusion of […]

Black Disabled People and the Windrush scandal

Conference condemns the Home Office’s politically motivated decision to classify thousands of long-term British residents as illegal immigrants, forcing many of them out of their jobs and homes, and in extreme cases, resulting in detention and deportation. Conference notes that many victims of the Windrush scandal are Black disabled people and the impact of the […]

Access to Mental Health services for Deaf people

Conference notes that Deaf people are twice as likely as hearing people to experience mental health problems, yet they do not have equal access to services. Mental health services are often inaccessible for Deaf people. For example members have reported that they are referred to counselling services where the counsellor does not sign and therefore […]

Disability Passports in the Workplace

Many of our members are not receiving the reasonable adjustments they need in the workplace environment, whether it be removing physical barriers or providing additional support for a disabled employee to protect against substantial disadvantage. A way to encourage the introduction and continuous support of reasonable adjustments would be a disability passport document. A disability […]

Excluding Future Higher Education, Further Education and Sixth Form Staff from the Local Government Pension Scheme

Conference opposes this government’s continued attacks on public sector pensions, the latest of which comes in the form of the recent consultation “Local Government Pension Scheme: Changes to the Local Valuation Cycle and the Management of Employer Risk” launched in May 2019, from the Ministry of Housing, Local Government and Communities. These changes, if implemented, […]

Opposing the Cap on Exit Payments

Conference notes that in 2015 and 2016 the Government legislated for a cap of £95,000 on exit payments in the public sector. In April 2019 the Government launched a consultation on proposed draft regulations and guidance to bring the legislation into force. The consultation ends on 3 July 2019. Conference further notes that: 1) The […]