Pensions Discrimination Suffered by Lesbians and Gay Men

Conference notes the Government’s disgraceful and hypocritical failure to ensure that the 2003 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations will redress the pensions discrimination suffered by lesbians and gay men in public sector pay schemes. The Government has argued that this is because of the pension schemes cannot ‘afford’ to pay lesbians and gay men equal […]

Male Prostitution – UK Local Government Response

This Conference expresses its concern at Glasgow City Council’s recent leaflet “Prostitution – Changing the Outlook”. This leaflet is being circulated to all staff in the council and contains information on the council’s policy on prostitution and the role which staff have to play in tackling the issue of street prostitution in Glasgow. The text […]

Domestic Violence

Conference notes with concern that reported incidents of domestic violence are increasing, and that these figures reflect an increase in the incidences of same-sex domestic violence. Conference therefore calls on the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to; 1.urge the National Executive Council (NEC) to issue guidelines to Branches to ensure that issues of same-sex violence […]

PFI – Retention of Employment Model

Improving the Quality of Support Given to Members


Conference is concerned that we failed to achieve proportionality by the year 2000. But women in UNISON must not let our union forget this policy. It is still important that those who hold power within UNISON, or who represent it should reflect the make-up of the membership. We should continue to strive towards this target […]

Enforcement of the Pay not Poverty Campaign for Student Nurses and Midwives

This conference recognises nursing and midwifery students as valued members of our union. It sees the potential of working with nursing and midwifery student members during their training to ensure their continued membership throughout their careers. Conference acknowledges the work that has already taken place to campaign for a salary for student nurses and midwives […]

Integrated Care – Health and Social Services

This Conference reaffirms its policy of opposition to the establishment of Care Trusts, and in particular expresses its concern over plans to create specialised services in the form of Children’s Trusts and Care Trusts for elderly people’s services. This Conference is committed to the use of Health Act Flexibilities, including Section 31 Partnerships, as being […]

Community Health Council

This Conference notes that the government reneged on its undertaking to treat Community Health Council staff in the same manner as those affected by Shifting The Balance Of Power. This Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to demand the government stick to its promises in any future dealings with NHS staff.

NHS Pension Scheme – Ill Health Retirement

This conference notes that the NHS Pensions Agency has contracted SEMA to provide medical advice on applications for ill health retirement. Conference further notes that there has been a widespread and systematic shift away from approving ill health retirement applications with cases which would have formally been accepted, being turned down on medical grounds. SEMA […]

Health Service Strategies on Domestic Violence

Conference welcomes the publication of the Department of Health Resource Manual on Domestic Violence, which has been distributed to all NHS Trusts. Conference also welcomes the initiatives taken by the Scottish Executive to encourage health service employers to improve service delivery for those experiencing domestic violence. Conference reaffirms that a major dimension to service delivery […]

Violence and Aggression in the NHS

We welcome the work that has already been undertaken to raise awareness of violence within the NHS. The Governments introduction of zero tolerance is a good place to start but does not reflect challenges that the NHS faces today. In recent press we have seen nurses and healthcare support workers attacked in their place of […]

Substitute Sector Representatives on the Service Group Executive

This Conference agrees to amend the Health Group Structures document to allow for the provision of substitutes for Sector Committee representatives on the Service Group Executive Committee.

Privatisation and the Two Tier Workforce

Conference supports UNISON’s committment to well funded publicly owned, publicly controlled and democratically accountable public services and notes our opposition to privatisation (Positively Public Campaign). Conference notes UNISON’s ongoing campaign to put an end to the two tier workforce which results when private contractors employ new staff on different contracts, usually on far worse terms […]

Black Women and Employment

Conference notes the TUC’s report “Black and Excluded” which looks at black workers and pay. The report notes that black women are disproportionately represented in certain sectors such as public health, education services and textiles, which are traditionally low paid sectors. Within these sectors black women are further disadvantaged by being concentrated in lower graded […]