Recruiting Black and Disabled Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Members

Conference notes that UNISON’s LGBT membership is diverse and that our self organised group prides itself on being inclusive of all our members. Conference welcomes initiatives that have taken place to recruit more and Black and Disabled LGBT members including having a visible presence at UK Black Pride, distributing information on Beyond the Barriers campaign […]

Anti Racism and Anti Disabilism Training for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Members

Conference notes that there is a lack of understanding around language and terminology that impacts on awareness, accessibility and other issues facing our Black and Disabled LGBT members. Conference therefore instructs the National LGBT Committee to hold separate training sessions for members of the National Committee addressing these concerns. Conference also urges regional LGBT groups […]

Pension Rights for Civil Partners

Conference notes that the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is discriminatory in that the widow’s pension entitlement is potentially greater than that for the widowers and civil partners. We therefore call for the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Committee to investigate the current situation with respect to LGPS and other pension schemes, reporting […]

Bicon 2010

Conference notes that BiCon is an annual weekend-long gathering for bi people, their friends, partners, and others with a supportive interest in bisexuality. UNISON has been an active participant at BiCon for the last three years, providing advice on employment rights, promoting UNISON and recruiting workers into our union. Conference welcomes the fact that in […]

Increasing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Activity Throughout UNISON

Conference believes that UNISON’s LGBT members should be encouraged to be active at branch, regional and national levels and to participate in the wider union structure subject to Rule C2, which defines the rights and benefits of each category of member. Conference believes that, were this to be achieved, it would make the union more […]

British National Party (BNP)

Conference notes with concern the continuing growth of the BNP in elections on 4 June 2009, in particular: 1.The largest ever fascist vote in a UK-wide election; 2.The election of two British fascists to the European Parliament and fascist County Councillors in Hertfordshire, Lancashire and Leicestershire; and, 3.Fascist and far right advance in certain other […]

Training for Registrars in Marriage, Civil Partnerships and Gender Recognition

Conference notes that there is growing awareness of the difficulties facing trans people who are married should they wish to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate. However, Conference notes that there is less awareness of the problems trans people face if they decide to annul their marriage in order to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate, and […]

Smashing the Far Right

Conference notes the alarming results of the 2009 County Council and European Parliamentary elections. The British National Party (BNP) gained three county council seats. The BNP also had its first success in the European Elections, winning two seats, giving access to funding of more than a million pounds to spread their fascist propaganda. The BNP […]

Public Sector Equality Duties and the Bargaining Agenda

Conference notes that the Equality Bill, which applies in England, Scotland and Wales, was introduced into Parliament on 24th April 2009. The Bill builds upon the public sector equality duties for gender, race and disability, incorporating them into a single equality duty, but also extends this to cover age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy […]

Challenging Transphobic NHS Policies and Funding Cuts

Conference welcomes the hard work of many UNISON members around the UK in being strong allies for transgender rights and equality. Of particular note is the tireless work of members of the Cymru/Wales Region in regard to challenging transphobic NHS policies and funding restrictions. Progress is finally being made to ensure that trans people living […]

Carry on Recruiting

Conference recognises that the low level of union membership in many employers in the public services undermines UNISON’s bargaining power at local and national level. Increasing the number of UNISON members is vital to our future as a vibrant and effective trade union. Recruitment is fundamental to the fight for equality. We need to grow […]

Fostering and Adoption in Scotland

Conference welcomes the passing of The Adoption & Children (Scotland) Act 2007 in the Scottish Parliament which will become law in 2009. In passing this legislation and the subsequent amendment to the Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations, same sex couples will now be eligible to be assessed to adopt and foster children in the same […]

Maintaining Activism Against the BNP

Conference notes the recent shocking rise in candidates and actual election success’ of the BNP. The BNP stands against everything that we as trade unionists have fought and died for since our inception. The BNP is a fascist organisation, which particularly targets Black people, Muslims, migrant workers and asylum seekers. However trade unionists, lesbian, gay, […]

Backing the Fight for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Human Rights in Turkey

Conference notes that although being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is not criminalised in Turkey, persecution of LGBT people is commonplace. In its annual report, Amnesty International states that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity persists, as do allegations of violence by law enforcement agents against transgender people. Hate crimes against LGBT people […]

Family Friendly Practice and Privacy for LGBT Carers

This Conference welcomes the government’s new emphasis on family friendly practice in the workplace, and the importance of the informal carer’ role for both LGBT and non-LGBT people and their families. Conference notes that even when inclusive family friendly policies exist, LGBT and disabled employees and people may be inadvertently outed or inappropriate questions may […]