Equalities Commissions

Conference notes that the Government has set up a project to consider the feasibility of a single equality body, which is doe to publish a report for consultation towards the end of 2002. The starting point of the project is that the status quo cannot continue, as provision must be made for machinery to deliver […]

Direct Payments

The London Regional Disabled Members’ Committee is concerned at the various ways in which the direct payments schemes are set up and run locally and nationally. All direct payments schemes should be properly funded, so that the same level of support can be obtained regardless of where you live. All schemes should be set up […]

Local Government White Paper

This Conference welcomes the White Paper’s encouragement to local authorities not to make voluntary organisations bid for funds on an annual basis. Many voluntary organisations provide invaluable services to disabled people and employ UNISON members. We also call for the Government to make the following changes to the White Paper proposals to meet the needs […]

Sheltered Workshops

This Conference does not support the principle of sheltered workshops which segregate disabled workers from non-disabled workers. They are often exploitative and increase dependency. However this Conference notes that disabled people who currently work in sheltered workshops would end up out of work and not in mainstream open employment if the workshops were to close. […]

Genetic Testing

“Conference 2001 Genetic Testing and Employment This Conference deplores the use of genetic testing in the workplace to determine presence or predisposition of impairment. The use of genetic testing is a medically based measure that seeks to establish value systems that disadvantage disabled people. It may be used by employers to discriminate in areas of […]

Disability Discrimination Act

This Conference notes the implementation in October 2004 of the next part of the Disability Discrimination Act. This means that all public buildings should be fully accessible to disabled people and has major implications for UNISON disabled members as employees and for service users. This Conference further notes the failure of Part 3 of the […]

Single Equality Commission*

This Conference has very grave reservations on the Labour Government’s proposed project to consider ways of setting up a single Equality Commission. Conference is concerned that UNISON disabled members and disabled people in general would suffer and lose out if serviced by such a single Equality Commission. This Conference calls upon the National Disabled Members’ […]

The Social Model of Disability

This Conference expresses its deep concern that the Social Model of Disability has been publicly criticised by Disability Rights Commissioner, Colin Low, who claimed that it contains important “truths” but also a significant amount of falsehood that “distorts reality in ways which are potentially damaging to disabled people”. Conference notes that over the past three […]

Stop the War

Conference opposes the British and US Governments unleashing an unending worldwide war against terrorism. We call upon Britain and the USA, and its allies, to cease all military actions and to withdraw from Afghanistan. Furthermore, we will vigorously oppose any continuation of this war to Iraq, Somalia, or elsewhere. We condemn the terrorist attacks on […]

Dignity and Respect at Work

This Conference welcomes the establishment of core objectives and associated priorities and as a much needed development. It has enabled our lay structures at national and regional level in partnership with staff to focus upon those key issues determined by our sovereign bodies. Conference also welcomes the initial work undertaken to apply both lay and […]

Putting the Member at the Centre of UNISON

Conference welcomes the priority given to improving member participation and particularly that this has been agreed as a key objective for the union. Improving membership participation is vital to ensuring that UNISON remains a member-led Union. However, it is with concern that Conference notes the loss of activists at local level and the increasing age […]

Accountability of Regional National Executive Council Members

This Conference confirms that regional National Executive Council members need to be fully involved in the activities of their regional councils in order to maintain lay democracy in UNISON. Whilst recognising that regional National Executive Council members are elected by, and accountable to, the wider electorate of UNISON members throughout their region, Conference nevertheless believes […]

Organising for Recognition Across the Public Services

Conference applauds the contribution made by branches, regions and service groups in organising and supporting members employed in the community and voluntary sector and by private companies. Conference notes that an increasing number of UNISON members work in these sectors and for other non-public sector employers providing public services. Often these members are not covered […]

Care for the Elderly

This Conference welcomes the statements made by the main political parties during the general election campaign and hopes that, in office, the Government will make evident its practical support for pensioners. However, Conference expresses its grave concern that the Government continues to refuse to implement the central recommendation of the Royal Commission on Long Term […]

Public Services

The future health of our public services is at a critical point, with a government committed to improving them after years of under investment, but increasingly choosing the private sector, not existing staff, as the solution to problems. Conference deplores the fact that the Government has responded to the need for better services by creating […]