Not just a bit of banter: Tackling sexual harassment of disabled women in the workplace

Conference notes that the #MeToo movement has illustrated how sexual harassment is widespread in our society and in the workplace but for too long has been swept under the carpet and dismissed as “just a bit of banter”. UNISON’s ‘Harassment at Work’ guide defines sexual harassment as “unwanted conduct that is of a sexual nature […]

Accessible Domestic Abuse Services

Conference notes that disabled women are more likely to be subjected to domestic abuse than non-disabled women. Domestic abuse can include physical, sexual or emotional abuse – as well as the withdrawal of care from disabled women who require it and threats to ‘out’ LGBT+ women to their friends and families. According to the Women’s […]

Towards a more inclusive disabled members LGBT+ caucus

Conference notes that at National Delegate Conference 2019 delegates unanimously agreed to change UNISON’s rule book so that the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) self organised group will now be called the LGBT+ self organised group. Conference notes that this has implications for our disabled members self organised group because we have an LGBT […]

Celebrating our Black disabled caucus

Conference notes that the Black caucus within our National Disabled Members Self Organised Group (SOG) reflects our belief that under-represented groups within our union and within society should have a space to organise and to agree their own priorities so that they can feed in to the work of the SOG and ensure that their […]

Awareness of Access To Work

Access to Work aims to support disabled people start or stay in work, providing financial and practical support. We believe awareness of this programme is lacking amongst some members, especially if you’re new to disability, meaning our members may not be getting the support they need to stay in work and reach their potential. Conference […]

Accessible Public Toilets

Conference notes that less than 10% of people who meet the Equality Act 2010 definition of a disability actually use a wheelchair which is the traditional symbol for an accessible toilet. For a range of reasons many disabled people face barriers to using a standard toilet. Conference notes that Council spending cuts have led to […]

Meaningful Annual Disability Employment Statistics

Conference notes that in November 2018 the Department of Work and Pensions and the Department of Health & Social Care jointly launched a Framework on the Voluntary Reporting on Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing. This compliments the Public Sector Equality Duty. The Framework is a voluntary scheme – aimed at large employers with over 250 […]

Policies on dealing with abusive customers in call centres

Conference notes that many energy members work in call centres and operational centres where they take calls from operational colleagues and customers. While most callers are reasonable, there is always a proportion that are unreasonable and some who are extremely abusive. In workplaces with generally high levels of stress, this can be intolerable. People who […]

Training Mental Health First-Aiders in Energy Workplaces

Conference notes that since 1981, workplaces have been required to provide adequate and appropriate first aid equipment, facilities and people, to ensure that employees can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill at work. Yet in 2019, there is still no statutory requirement for employers to provide mental health first aid […]

Utility and Energy Industry Privatisation

Many members within the above industries no longer have the luxury of a Defined Benefits (DB) pension and are relying on a much inferior Direct Contributions Pension scheme for their retirement. A lot of these workers have used the Share Save and Share Incentive Plan (SIP) share schemes within these companies to subsidise the shortfall […]

Mental Health support for our members

One in four people in the UK will have a mental health problem at some point. While mental health problems are common, most are mild, tend to be short-term and are normally successfully treated. Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems. They […]

Building and Strengthening Black Community links

Conference notes the national Black members’ committee ‘Creating, Building, and Strengthening Black Community link motion was debated with much support from other delegates at the 2018 Community conference and was carried along with the amendment submitted by the Community Service Group Executive. However the National Black Member’s Committee is concerned that limited work has commenced […]

Alexa, Did you take our Jobs? The Rising Threat of Automation and Computerisation in the Housing Sector

Conference notes the rising number of business reports and academic research regarding automation and computerisation across the whole economy over the last five years. From Frey & Osbourne’s alarmist 2013 “The Future of Employment”, claiming 47% of jobs in the USA were at risk of automation to Ford’s seminal “the Rise of The Robots” in […]

The Effects on staff going through the Menopause

In the Community & Voluntary Sector which includes care provision, charities, not for profit organisations and housing associations, women make up nearly half of the workforce and with the increasing numbers of older workers many well be either be currently experiencing the menopause or will have worked through it. Around eight in ten women report […]

Standing Up for Fair Pay for CVS Workers in Commissioned Services

Community conference welcomes the recent nationally negotiated pay deals for Local Government and the NHS giving many public service workers deserved pay rises. However, many members in the Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) work for employers who are held in long-term contracts with the public sector, with no annual or inflationary uplifts built into those […]