Funding for schools

This conference believes that the government proposals for school funding reform in England are flawed, unfair and fail to address the funding crisis affecting schools. The DfE proposals will only result in a flat cash settlement for schools and takes no account of the increasing costs for schools resulting from from inflation and increased staffing […]

LGPS – Tier 3 ill-health pension to be paid for life

Currently if a member’s employment contract ceases on medical capability grounds they may qualify for immediate payment of their pension, irrespective of age, on the grounds of ill-health. Currently on the advice of a medical advisor retiring members are allocated to one of three tiers. The member’s pension is enhanced in the case of Tier […]


Conference notes the dramatic changes that have take place in housing policy and provision in the last 30 years and those presaged by the Housing White Paper. Conference further notes the significance of housing costs and affordability and their impact on living standards, the ability to live near the workplace and the economic, environmental and […]

Youth work

Conference notes that youth work professionals, including both qualified youth workers and youth support workers, perform vital jobs in our communities. In countless ways they help young people to lead positive lives as members of society. Conference further notes that the youth work profession has come under increasing attack in recent years. The 2016 UNISON […]

Food Standards Agency – pay, terms & conditions

Conference notes that our members employed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and its contractors are constantly under the threat of being deregulated out of employment. They continue to face bullying, harassment and attacks in the workplace, as well as erosion to their pay and benefits. Conference also notes that the future of meat inspection […]

Local government and the cuts

Conference notes: 1) The major changes taking place in the role of local government; 2) That central government funding for local government has been in steep decline since the beginning of the Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government in 2010, and that local government has taken the brunt of the policies of public sector ‘austerity’ […]

Workplace mental health in local government

Conference believes that mental ill-health among the local government workforce is a huge and growing concern. A culture of long hours working, bullying, harassment and abuse is commonplace among local authority staff, with three quarters reporting consequent rising stress levels and declining morale. Meanwhile growing levels of sickness absence, with no cover due to cuts […]

Higher Education (HE) Pay Ballot for strike action Sept 2016

Conference notes that Higher Education members were balloted for strike action after employers failed to improve on a 1.1% pay offer for the majority of staff. The Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) recommended that members vote ‘YES’ for strike action in the September 2016 HE Pay Ballot. During the campaign, the growing pay inequality […]

Against xenophobic divisions in our universities and communities

This conference notes with concern the proposals by Home Secretary Amber Rudd regarding changes to the way the government approaches international students and their status. We are also concerned about the uncertainty faced by international staff in universities following the Brexit vote. We believe everyone has a right to a decent and happy life and […]

The future Higher Education Service Group within the union

Conference notes the increasing overlap between some of the services provided in Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE), with FE Colleges starting to deliver degree level courses. The future of post 16 education may possibly be joined further with the creation of higher apprenticeships, which is likely to see HE and FE institutions working […]

Removing barriers for disabled workers

This Conference is concerned that research has consistently shown that within the Higher Education sector, disabled staff are not having their access needs met and institutional discrimination against disabled staff is widespread. Disabled workers in Higher Education institutions are disproportionately selected for redundancy, and can face both direct and indirect discrimination when trying to get […]

Campaigning for £10/hour minimum wage across higher education

Conference notes that: 1)In-work poverty is a major issue facing all trade unionists, which should be given urgent attention if we are to address the welfare and confidence of working people and their dependents. 2)UNISON National Delegate Conference (NDC) 2016, (motion 22 as amended) voted to: a)Campaign for a proper living/minimum wage of £10/hour. b)Ensure […]

Organising and Recruiting in Higher Education

Conference notes that the higher education system in the UK is undergoing unprecedented and damaging reforms and changes. Along with severe job losses, outsourcing and restructuring the sector faces numerous challenges as we see increasing marketisation. These challenges have a direct impact on the way we organise and recruit in workplaces. Yet we know that […]

Organising Outsourced Workers

Conference believes that keeping existing services in-house should be the default position for higher education employers on the grounds that in-house services offer better quality, accountability, efficiency and social value to universities, workers and students. Conference also believes that workers employed by contractors should benefit from union recognition and collective bargaining to defend and improve […]

Timing of Higher Education (HE) Conference

This conference notes that: a)Branches should feel fully involved in the formulation of the new Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES) pay claim or in the organisation of the pay campaign. Currently, the Higher Education (HE) Service Group Executive (SGE) pay motion is presented to delegates at the HE Branch Seminar in October […]