Equal Marriage Law

This Conference welcomes the recent introduction of Civil Partnerships for same sex couples. Conference believes, however, that current provision is not entirely satisfactory as same sex couples who may wish to marry are prevented from doing so and opposite sex couples are barred from entering Civil Partnerships. In addition, where a person seeks to obtain […]

Making rights real

Conference welcomes the Human Rights Inquiry being undertaken by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. The inquiry will: 1.Assess progress towards the effectiveness and enjoyment of a culture of respect for human rights in Great Britain; and 2.Consider how the current human rights framework might best be developed and used to realise the vision of […]

Equality is Fundamental

Conference believes that equality is fundamental and that women, black, disabled, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) and young members may face particular barriers in the workplace and in getting involved in the union. Indeed many members face multiple barriers. Conference notes that the introduction of the public equality duties has seen some improvements in […]

Hidden from hate

Conference notes that people living with HIV and AIDS are considered disabled from the point of diagnosis under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 2005. However, Conference is disappointed to note that the Ministry of Justice did not accept an amendment to section 146 of the Criminal Justice Act to give people living with HIV the […]

Getting away with murder

Conference notes the recent report ‘Getting Away With Murder’ from the UK Disabled People’s Council (UKDPC) endorsed by the TUC and Crown Prosecution Service, which looks at all aspects of disability hate crime and follows recent cases of violent attacks and deaths of disabled people. Whilst these attacks have been targeted specifically at disabled people, […]

Support for ILGA Scholarship Programme

In a number of countries around the world, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people struggle to be visible in civil society or gain recognition for their rights within the framework of human rights legislation. Trade unionists and community activists have for a long time recognised the importance of solidarity in the establishment and protection […]

Quotas are not enough

Conference notes that UNISON has shown its commitment to equality for Black members – and to Black Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) members – through reserved seats on the National Executive Council, National LGBT Committee and other national self-organised group committees, and through the requirement for fair representation in conference delegations and all union […]

Delivering local government services without prejudice

Conference notes that whilst an Employment Tribunal ruling does not set legal precedent, widespread publicity for the judgement in the case of Ms Ladele v London Borough of Islington (2203694/2007 July 2008) added to the false impression that local government workers can claim their religion or belief as a reason for discriminating against lesbian, gay, […]

Pride is a Protest

Conference recognises that Pride events are a celebration of the lesbian, gay, gisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement’s successes and achievements over the past 50 years. Conference also recognises that pride is a protest, an opportunity for our movement to organise and promote the cause of LGBT people, as well as a prime opportunity to engage […]

Criminalisation and enforced testing of people suspected of being HIV positive in Egypt

This not only violates the most basic rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and people living with HIV, it also threatens public health, by making it dangerous for anyone to seek information about HIV prevention or treatment. The most recent arrests occurred after police followed up on information coerced from men already […]

Equality Training

Conference welcomes the progress made in raising the profile of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) participation in our union. UNISON has been at the forefront of the equality agenda and we can be proud of our achievements in continuing to support and encourage self organisation at all levels. We would like to encourage representatives […]

Protecting the Health of Prisoners and Prison Health Care Staff

Men who have sex with men (MSM), gay men and bisexual men can potentially be at greater risk of sexually transmitted diseases. These risks can be further aggravated as a result of poor health standards and inconsistent awareness of safer sex practices within the prison system. Gay men are still the group at greatest risk […]

Freedom of Information : Disproportionate Funding

The Freedom of Information Act (2000) provides a context within which details of public service expenditure can be made public. The Freedom of Information Act applies to all ‘public authorities’: – this includes 1central and local government; 2the Health Service; 3schools, colleges and universities; 4the Police; 5many other non-departmental public bodies, committees, and advisory bodies. […]

Coming Out At Work

Conference notes that the issue of coming out at work is given insufficient attention as a union concern at the present moment. Within the Northern Region, we feel that more work needs to be done on this somewhat neglected area, its particular relevance to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and non LGBT members. Therefore, […]

National Blood Transfusion Service

Conference notes that men who have sex with men are still barred from donating blood in an official capacity to the National Blood Transfusion Service, whether you are a ‘practising’ homosexual or not. Conference also notes that the need for blood donation is continuously highlighted in the press and media and that only 6% of […]