Inclusive Communication for Older People

This Conference notes with concern that retired people who are not on line and are unable to access the internet can be significantly disadvantaged both economically and socially. They are unable to take advantage of deals on, for example, fuel and transport and are deprived of services that are accessible solely on line. They are […]

Conference Caucuses

Conference recalls that caucuses for black members, disabled members, lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender members and women members were introduced to the programme of this conference in 2009. Conference confirms that the caucuses make a valuable contribution to the conference but believes their arrangements could be improved. Conference therefore instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee […]

Ageing Well in UNISON

Conference recognises that one of the factors to account for the growth of UNISON’s Retired Members’ Organisation is growing longevity. While this mainly consists of existing members growing older there are also instances of former members taking up retired membership many years after they left work. Conference asserts that longevity is an asset not a […]

Soma Mining Tragedy

Conference will be aware that on 13 May 2014, an explosion at the coal mine in Soma, Manisa, western Turkey caused an underground mine fire which burned until 15 May killing a total, 301 people in what can only be described as the worst mining disaster in Turkey’s history. The mine, operated by coal producer […]


Conference notes with concern that the conditions of service of Care Staff is a real scandal and as a result the frail, elderly people are not receiving the level of service they should. A study by Baroness Kingsmill has stated that frail elderly people are being exposed to neglect and abuse because caring and compassionate […]


At a previous National Retired Members Conference, the delegates noted a resolution high-lighting the fact that prostate cancer in men is a real matter of concern as the prostate cancer has overtaken lung cancer as the single most common cancer in all men in the UK and accounts for 24% of all new cancer diagnosis. […]

National Pensioners’ Convention

The National Pensioners Convention (NPC) is Britain’s biggest independent campaigning organisation for older people representing 1.5 million pensioners from both Unions and Pensioners Groups nationwide. The NPC’s main objective is to promote the welfare and interests of today and future pensioners, as a way of securing dignity, respect and financial security for all pensioners. Conference […]

Free Social Care in England

Conference supports integrating health and social care services providing the principal aim of doing so is to improve the quality of services particularly for older people. Conference believes that services can only be successfully integrated if social care is made, like health, free at the point of need. Conference therefore welcomes: 1. The Labour Party’s […]

An end to discrimination

Conference notes that there continues to be discrimination in both the state and occupational pensions for many of our retired members. In particular, women pensioners continue to receive a much smaller pension, on average, than men. There is also discrimination in the benefits to partners of LGBT Elders. Conference instructs the National Retired Members Committee […]

Generations United

This Conference deplores the deliberate attacks made to create a division in society between older people and the young generation. In particular, Conference condemns the attacks made upon the “baby boomer” generation. Conference noted that other organisations such as the National Pensioners Convention are attempting to bridge any divisions with a “Generations United” Campaign. Conference […]


Conference condemns the persecution of Colombian unionists and political activists. 15% more trade unionists were killed in 2013 than in 2012. Congress deplores that 26 members of union backed Patriotic March, Colombia’s largest opposition movement, were killed in 2013 and many imprisoned, including two of its leaders. National Organiser Huber Ballesteros, who is also an […]

Northern Ireland Peace Process

Conference is alarmed at the growing levels of sectarianism and division and continued and escalating violence and intimidation which is destabilising the peace process in Northern Ireland. Conference applauds the public stance taken by the Irish trade union movement currently led in Northern Ireland by UNISON. On the 31st January trade unionists led a public […]

Zero Hour Contracts

Conference notes the continuing and increasing use of zero hour contracts within the private home care sector and welcomes the work undertaken to promote UNISON’s Ethical Home Care Charter. Conference recognises that the procurement policies used by councils and other public bodies which focus on costs effectively encourages a race to the bottom in the […]

Rule D Retired Members’ Organisation

Insert new Rule D 6.3: “D 6.3 Such Retired Members’ Sections may formulate motions and proposals to the Branch Committee and the Regional Retired Members’ Committee.” Renumber subsequent paragraphs.

Promoting Political Education and Developing Activists

Discussion, debate and learning from one another are both at the heart of trade union education and are central to engaging people in union activity. Debate on the history of trade union struggle and the impact of political and economic change on working people and on women and minority groups in particular has always been […]