The Pensions Service

In 2003 access to benefits offices by pensioners was replaced with the new Pensions Service, part of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The Pensions Service will be centralised with most business being conducted by telephone or post, resulting in the following for pensioners: 1)the withdrawal of drop-in facilities for pensioners from local benefit […]

NHS Ombudsman Report on Long Term Care

In February 2003 the Health Service Ombudsman published the report NHS Funding for Long Term Care which contained the results of four investigations into complaints about the way in which health authorities set and applied their eligibility criteria for NHS funding for the continuing care of older and disabled people. The report stated “There is […]

Restoration of Value of State Pension

Conference condemns the introduction of the Pensioner Credits Scheme and notes that more than one million pensioners have not made application for such credits. Conference believes that restoration of the state pension scheme to its former monetary value is the proper way forward and would obviate the need for pension credits, minimum income guarantees for […]

Membership Records

Good communication is vital to ensure the future of the Retired Members’ Organisation and this is dependent upon accurate records of retired members and retired member contacts being maintained. Rule G.4.2.2 states that the Branch Secretary shall co-operate with the union’s Head Office in keeping a record of all members’ names, addresses and work groups […]

Pensioners and Public Transport

Conference notes that pensioners in Wales, Greater London, the West Midlands, (former county area), and elsewhere have obtained free concessionary travel. Conference believes that the time is now right to launch a concerted campaign to obtain free transport throughout Great Britain. Such free transport to mean the introduction of a pensioners’ travel card for both […]

Training and Development of Retired Members

Conference notes the work done at Retired Members’ Conference 2002 in the workshop on Organising Retired Members. Conference recognises that retired members play a key role in supporting the organising and recruitment aims of UNISON. Not all retired members have previously been active in the trade union, and those who are experienced activists need their […]

Free Travel Pass

Conference urges the National Retired Members’ Committee and UNISON’s National Executive Council to strongly support the National Pensioners’ Convention in achieving the free travel pass on all public transport for those reaching the accepted national retirement age and over and to make every effort to ensure that pressure is put on the Government to achieve […]

Carers’ Allowances

Conference requests the National Executive Council to call for a review of the carer’s allowance paid by the Government and the abolition of the rule that the allowance is abated or cancelled once the carer has retired and is in receipt of a pension of £43.15 or more per week.

Tenants in Common Agreement

Conference calls on the National Executive Council to seek legal advice regarding the setting up, by individual UNISON retired members, of a tenants in common agreement which relates to privately owned property.

Say No to the Employers’ Pay Commission Proposals

Conference notes with alarm the Employers’ evidence to the NJC Local Government Pay Commission which: 1Seeks to restrict national bargaining to the annual pay settlement 2Suggests optional use of the current pay spine 3Calls for an end to Part 3 conditions 4Regards ‘contribution pay’ based on individual performance and behaviour as the means to link […]

Environment Agency Pension Regulations

This Conference seeks to change the law to ensure all unmarried partners receive the same benefits through the Environment Pension Scheme as married couples. Since the introduction of the Scheme Society has changed and the pension regulations should be urgently reviewed and amended to reflect these demographic changes. In today’s society there is no reason […]

Sustainable Communities Better Transport

Conference notes that the Labour Party Policy Forum is consulting on priorities for transport at local, national and international levels, in its document “Sustainable Communities, Better Transport”. UNISON’s interest and role in sustainable, public transport provision was demonstrated by the Positively Public Transport symposium – Building World Class Public Transport held in January. The symposium […]

Ending Discrimination in Pension Provision

Conference notes that the issue of pensions has never been so much in the public eye, with widespread concern about the ability of schemes to deliver security in retirement. Conference further notes that Water and Environment Agency members belong to a number of different pensions schemes, which have different terms and conditions. Conference welcomes the […]

Regional Assemblies and Public Transport

Conference welcomes the publication of the Government’s White Paper on Regional Assemblies: “Your Region, Your Choice: Revitalising the English Regions”. Conference notes that the White Paper acknowledges that “good transport is essential for sustainable economic success” and states that “transport needs to be integrated with policy on economic development, planning and housing”. Conference instructs the […]


This conference recognises the valuable contribution already being played by public bus services towards the elimination of social exclusion and in the reduction of traffic congestion. However it also recognises that modern, environmentally friendly buses have a huge untapped potential to contribute even more to the objectives set out in the Government’s Ten-Year Transport Plan. […]