Driving and Prescription Drugs

Following a survey undertaken by Aston University and commissioned by the Department of Transport earlier this year, it was found that many elderly drivers were driving under the influence of drugs, in the form of strong medications issued legitimately, and prescribed by doctors who were not aware that the patient was intending to or in […]

Concessionary Fares

Conference is conscious that pensioners in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and some areas of England currently enjoy schemes which allow them free use of public transport. It is also aware that there are schemes where reduced rates are available subject to local authority boundary limitations. This appears to be a post code lottery and […]

NHS Dentistry

Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to take appropriate steps to ensure the government addresses the problem of lack of National Health Service dental provision. The shortage of such dental practices is discriminating against older people on low incomes who are unable to afford private treatment.

Packaging Standards

Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to make representation to the appropriate organisation responsible for packaging standards, with a view to easing the opening of packages, jars and bottles for older people. Considerable difficulties are experienced in opening packages, jars and bottles, especially when suffering with fingers and hands crippled with arthritis/rheumatism and so […]

Free Travel Pass

Progress has been slow towards achieving a free travel pass on all public transport for those reaching the accepted national retirement age and over. At present discrimination exists as 20 per cent of the country have a free travel pass and 80 per cent do not. Conference instructs UNISON National Retired Members’ Committee, and calls […]

Restoration of the Value of the State Pension

The pension credits scheme was introduced in October 2003 but many pensioners have still not applied for this means-tested benefit. John Denham, Labour MP for Southampton Itchen, has confirmed that the surplus in the national insurance fund this year amounts to £30 billion. The government actuary has ruled that £5 billion has to be retained […]

Shift Patterns

Conference is concerned at the continued difficulties faced by branches in negotiating variations to shift patterns for our members. It is recognised that there are innumerable versions across different forces and that they vary in their effectiveness in meeting the needs of our members. In order to enable branches to be more effective, Conference instructs […]

Outsourcing of Forensic Services

This Conference is concerned that the Home Office is continually eroding the forensic services provided by police staff as a cheaper option. Conference recognises that this is not the case. UNISON believes that this is a core public service to which the principles of direct accountability apply. As such, this service must remain wholly publicly […]

Health and Safety

Conference notes with concern the lack of guidance and advice for branches relating to health and safety issues for police staff. More and more of our members are becoming ‘front-line staff’ yet information on health and safety for police specific issues is rare. The police service is going through many changes and branch resources are […]

Short -Term Funding

Conference notes the continued short-term funding for police staff for initiatives such as PSCOs and Custody Officers. Conference also notes that the short- term funding for Volume Crime Investigators is soon to run out. The reluctance of the Home Office to recognise that successful initiatives should be permanently funded is unacceptable. Continuance of this stance […]

Civilianisation Not Privatisation

Conference supports fully the Civilianisation programme within the Police Service. However, when does ‘civilianisation’ become ‘privatisation’? Forces are more and more informing their police authorities, communities and staff that it is civilianising police officer posts. However, police staff and communities do not see these roles being advertised; this is due to the real fact that […]

Workforce Modernisation

Conference understands that the Home Office wishes to engage with UNISON and other stakeholders over a police pay and workforce strategy for England and Wales. Conference notes that this engagement may now take place in the context of the PSC Pay and Reward Review. Conference confirms that it wishes to see the following problems being […]

Negotiating an End to Disability Discrimination

This Police Staff Conference applauds the work undertaken by UNISON’s National Disabled Members Committee to promote negotiated agreements that make provision for Disability Leave. We are concerned that there is no adequate legislative provision to compel Police Authorities to disregard disability related absence and the consequence of this in relation to sickness absence procedures. There […]

Older Shift Workers

Conference notes with pleasure the work that is currently being done on ageism and, notes with some degree of caution, the occasional remarks from our Prime Minister and members of the cabinet about the opportunities for us to carry on working to age of 70 and beyond. Conference is also aware that within the Police […]

Police Communications and Control Rooms

Conference recalls a lengthy motion agreed at last year’s conference regarding Police Communications and Joint Control Rooms. It also recalls that the motion identified the many problems suffered by members within this area of work. With the role out of Airwaves the workload has increased without an increase in staffing. With sickness in these rooms […]