Driving and Prescription Drugs

Following a survey undertaken by Aston University and commissioned by the Department of Transport earlier this year, it was found that many elderly drivers were driving under the influence of drugs, in the form of strong medications issued legitimately, and prescribed by doctors who were not aware that the patient was intending to or in […]

Concessionary Fares

Conference is conscious that pensioners in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and some areas of England currently enjoy schemes which allow them free use of public transport. It is also aware that there are schemes where reduced rates are available subject to local authority boundary limitations. This appears to be a post code lottery and […]

NHS Dentistry

Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to take appropriate steps to ensure the government addresses the problem of lack of National Health Service dental provision. The shortage of such dental practices is discriminating against older people on low incomes who are unable to afford private treatment.

Packaging Standards

Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to make representation to the appropriate organisation responsible for packaging standards, with a view to easing the opening of packages, jars and bottles for older people. Considerable difficulties are experienced in opening packages, jars and bottles, especially when suffering with fingers and hands crippled with arthritis/rheumatism and so […]

Free Travel Pass

Progress has been slow towards achieving a free travel pass on all public transport for those reaching the accepted national retirement age and over. At present discrimination exists as 20 per cent of the country have a free travel pass and 80 per cent do not. Conference instructs UNISON National Retired Members’ Committee, and calls […]

Restoration of the Value of the State Pension

The pension credits scheme was introduced in October 2003 but many pensioners have still not applied for this means-tested benefit. John Denham, Labour MP for Southampton Itchen, has confirmed that the surplus in the national insurance fund this year amounts to £30 billion. The government actuary has ruled that £5 billion has to be retained […]

Local Government Finance

Conference notes that reviews of Local Government Finance are taking place throughout the United Kingdom. Local Authorities need reliable income, solid financial structures and increased revenue in order to be able to deal with the new burdens placed on them by Central Government and are increasingly unable to maintain funding of core services. The present […]

Campaigning to defend the Local Government Pension Scheme

This Conference condemns the Government for its attempts to attack the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). This scheme offers hundreds of thousands of workers in local councils and in other related public services the chance of a decent pension in retirement This Conference notes with concern that, following consultations with UNISON and other interested parties […]

Local Government Pay Commission, Equality and Equal Pay

Conference notes the Local Government Pay Commission’s call for strong action by Government, councils and trade unions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to promote equality in local government, based on its view that “Equality in local government employment is a necessity not an option”. In particular Conference welcomes the Commission’s call for: 1)Guidance on […]

National Offender Management Service

Conference notes with alarm the Government’s hasty, ill-thought and misguided proposals to break up the National Probation Service and create the National Offender Management Service (NOMS). The proposals have received no proper parliamentary scrutiny and are being rushed through without due consultation, or the ability of unions or probation employers to affect the outcome of […]

Service Group Structures Review

This Conference approves the report of the Local government Service Group Executive on the Review of the Service Group Structures.

Local Government Service Group Executive Report

This Conference receives the report of the Local Government Service Group Executive.

Joint Negotiating Committee for Youth and Community Workers

Conference notes that: Negotiations on the 2003 pay increase and restructuring of the JNC pay scales are still continuing. The employer’s negotiators and some elements of the staff side are remain resistant to UNISON’s recommendations that youth and community worker’s pay should be subject to equality proofing. Furthermore the majority of workers are part-time and […]


Conference believes that the UK desperately needs investment in decent, affordable, secure and democratically accountable housing to provide first class homes for all that need them. Further deplores the failure of the UK’s respective governments to tackle the backlog of repairs to council homes. We now know that council housing in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland […]

Services for Children

Conference notes that, throughout the UK, services for children are under extreme pressure. In education, in social services, and in health care, despite the skills and dedication of hundreds of thousands of workers, the system is reaching breaking point and children and their families do not consistently receive the basic services required to ensure their […]