Pensions Discrimination Suffered by Lesbians and Gay Men

Conference notes the Government’s disgraceful and hypocritical failure to ensure that the 2003 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations will redress the pensions discrimination suffered by lesbians and gay men in public sector pay schemes. The Government has argued that this is because of the pension schemes cannot ‘afford’ to pay lesbians and gay men equal […]

Male Prostitution – UK Local Government Response

This Conference expresses its concern at Glasgow City Council’s recent leaflet “Prostitution – Changing the Outlook”. This leaflet is being circulated to all staff in the council and contains information on the council’s policy on prostitution and the role which staff have to play in tackling the issue of street prostitution in Glasgow. The text […]

Domestic Violence

Conference notes with concern that reported incidents of domestic violence are increasing, and that these figures reflect an increase in the incidences of same-sex domestic violence. Conference therefore calls on the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to; 1.urge the National Executive Council (NEC) to issue guidelines to Branches to ensure that issues of same-sex violence […]

Appointment to Public Bodies

Conference supports the view that all UNISON disabled members have a fair and equal opportunity to apply for and sit on public bodies, tribunals and public boards. It recognises that the present Nolan Rules can discriminate against working people and more so if they are disabled. Conference also recognises the full useful knowledge and experiences […]

European Year of the Disabled 2003

Conference is concerned at the lack of UNISON activities to celebrate European Year of the Disabled 2003, both in some regions and particularly, nationally. This is an important event for disabled people and UNISON must be at the forefront of it. Conference agrees that a high profile event should be held nationally to publicise disabled […]

Self-Organised Groups

Conference deplores the action of some UNISON branches using branch rules to discriminate against self-organised groups by preventing them from participating fully in branch activities. Conference calls upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee, in conjunction with other self-organised groups, to liaise with branch disabled officers, equalities officers and other self-organised groups to compile a report […]

Criminal Justice Bill

Where not achieved in the Criminal Justice Bill now going through Parliament or in any current or future legislation of the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, UNISON will continue to campaign for: 1)disability hate crime to attract the same extra penalty as race hate crime; 2)full access for disabled people to all […]

The Economy

Conference remains concerned that, despite the relative health of the UK economy compared to other industrialised countries, there are still enormous imbalances between the health of the private services sector and the decline of manufacturing, between regions and between the rich and the poor. There is also a vulnerability to the collapse of a debt-financed […]

Police Communications and Joint Emergency Control Rooms

Conference recognises the vital importance of effective call handling for the delivery of modern policing. As the main interface between the Service and the general public, it is essential that the Police Service has a modern, efficient and well-resourced call handling capability. This position is well-understood by all the major police stakeholders, particularly the Home […]

Use of Volunteers

Conference is concerned over proposals to use community volunteers within the police service. Conference also notes that some police forces are already using volunteers Conference believes the practice of using volunteers undermines service levels expected of policing and places added pressure on our members, together with other members of the police family, and could put […]

Health and Safety

Conference condemns the UK Government for not having met a number of commitments made in respect of health and safety legislation and demands action now. Having consulted broadly in 1999, and before, on what actions would secure safer and healthier workplaces, the Government’s Revitalising Health and Safety initiative has derailed and needs revitalising itself. Conference […]

Young Workers Better Off in UNISON

Conference believes that young workers join a trade union for the same reason as every other worker, regardless of age, for the work-based benefits membership brings. For too long sections of the trade union movement have stuck to the outdated view that a whole generation of workers is ideologically opposed to joining a union. This […]

Tackling Racism, Promoting Equality

Conference believes that the politics of the fascists pose a serious threat to our democratic values. The incitement to racism and racial violence by the British National Party (BNP) has alarmed the vast majority of people who are not racist. It is essential to continue to oppose all attempts to use the politics of racial […]

Political Fund Review

Conference approves the recommendations contained in the National Executive Council’s report on the Political Fund Review: 1)the current political fund arrangements offering choice between the General Political Fund (GPF) and the Affiliated Political Fund (APF) should be retained. Alternatives, which remove this choice or introduce a third fund, should be rejected. 2)a new set of […]

Branch, Steward and Workplace Organisation

Conference notes and welcomes the progress made in implementing the organising agenda into mainstream UNISON activity whilst recognising, as with any medium term objective, much remains to be achieved. Conference further notes the tangible benefits of this policy include: 1)contributing to the annual increase in membership over the past four years; 2)helping to substantially boost […]