Branch International Relations Officers

Conference affirms its commitment to UNISON’s International ideals and is disappointed at the lack of committed Branch International Relations Officers in the Police sector. Conference therefore encourages all branches to recruit Branch International Relations Officers and instructs the Service Group Executive to work closely with the national International department to develop this work and to […]

Assistive Technology

Conference notes with concern the poor record of Police Information Technology Organisation (PITO) and individual forces in introducing assistive technology for disabled police staff. Assistive technology is the provision of software applications which allow workers with disabilities to access IT which otherwise would be denied to them. Conference notes that recently introduced police software packages, […]

National Contact Management Programme

Conference notes that the National Contact Management Programme (NCMP) aims to improve public/police interaction through the introduction of a standardised approach to contact management and the provision of guidance, which serves to support, shape and drive improved citizen focussed service delivery. Conference further notes that, when effectively implemented, the National Contact Management Programme is meant […]


This Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to ensure that where merged retired members’ sections exist, administrative arrangements are in place for the inclusion of retired members from all the branches concerned in card votes at retired members’ conferences.


This conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to: i.Issue publicity material to ensure that retired members and branch secretaries are aware of the existence of UNISON Rule 6.1 whereby a retired member may become a member of the branch based closest to her/his place of residence; ii.Ensure that the necessary transfer documentation is available […]

Demand Management System

Many forces are introducing computerised demand management systems and Conference is concerned that issues relating to health and safety and other HR and terms and conditions issues are not being considered appropriately. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to enter into discussion with the Home Office, Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), Association Police Authorities […]

Professional Standards Department (PSD) Investigations

Conference is concerned by the apparent lack of objectivity within Professional Standards Department (PSD) investigations and the lack of knowledge with regard to Police Staff Terms and Conditions and employment legislation. The manner in which investigations and the subsequent information are presented and produced often call into question the reported facts where our members under […]

Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) Guidelines on Staff Complaints

Confusion exists regarding the right of Police Staff to raise complaints with the IPCC regarding the service they receive from the police as service provider as tax paying citizens. The IPCC guidance suggests that our members are unable to make complaints about service provision issues within their own force. Conference therefore instructs the Service Group […]

Disability Discrimination in sickness absence, capability and disciplinary procedures

This Conference believes that Police Authorities continue to discriminate against disabled workers despite their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act and their responsibilities according to the Disability Equality Duty. Harsh sickness absence policies that fail to take account of disability related leave as advised in the Code of Practice for Employment and Occupation, Capability procedures […]

Violence and aggression towards Staff

Conference is concerned that violence and aggression towards Police Staff members is on the increase. Conference notes the necessary personal protective equipment and training for front line operational staff is not forthcoming from certain forces. Conference believes that this training and basic equipment is sadly a necessity in the modern policing environment and that the […]

Protecting Members in the Custody environment from false allegations

Our members working in custody are vulnerable to all sorts of false allegations from detained persons; these allegations have included physical and sexual assault. Once the allegations are made our members are put under immense pressure for long periods of time until investigations are complete. This causes not only difficulties at work, but home also. […]


Conference notes that over 520,000 expatriate pensioners living in Commonwealth countries have contributed to a United Kingdom pension which has been arbitrarily frozen at the level it was first received. As a result, their state pension decreases in value in real terms every year. For example, a pensioner who retired in 1999 with a pension […]


This Conference believes that the registration of individual retired members and retired member contacts is essential to the running of the National Retired Members Organisation. Conference, however, notes that there is no mention of the post of Branch Retired Members Section Secretary in the list of Branch Officers set out in both the National Rules […]


This Conference welcomes the reduction in qualifying years for a full National Insurance Pension to 30 years from April 20th 2010. Conference notes with concern however that the Government has refused to phase in the change and this will result in individuals being significantly disadvantaged. It will also cause unfairness and resentment among those women […]

Support to Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) in the Press

Conference notes the positive actions undertaken by the Police Staff Service Group National Officer and the UNISON General Secretary in supporting Police Community Support Officers after a tragic accident in Manchester, where our colleagues were abused and attacked by the national press. Furthermore Conference notes the letter sent by the General Secretary to the Press […]