Black Representation

Conference believes that UNISON black members should be represented at all local and national conferences and should also be represented on all committees throughout the UNISON structures on the same basis as low paid members and women members are currently represented. Conference therefore asks the National Black Members Committee to work with the National Executive […]

Fair Representation and Proportionality

Conference calls upon the National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) to work with the National Executive Council and the other self-organised groups in drafting a set of workable guidelines, to achieve fair representation, to take into account race once and for all in all structures within UNISON from the National Executive Council, service group executives and […]

Pay Audits

This Conference welcomes the publication of the TUC’s pamphlet ‘Black and Underpaid – How black workers lose out on pay’, which clearly demonstrates that black workers continue to be discriminated against in terms of pay. This Conference is perturbed that despite nearly a generation of race relations in Britain that black workers still earn less […]

Recruitment into Local Authorities

Conference believes that despite legislation of the Race Relations Amendments Act local authorities in Great Britain are not doing enough to recruit black people into their organisations. Conference also believes that UNISON should form a broad based coalition with other unions to redress this unfair situation. Conference therefore asks the National Executive Council to instruct […]

Rights of Dalit Peoples

Conference is deeply disappointed that the World Conference Against Racism held in Durban in August of last year failed to address the issue of caste discrimination and related forms of discrimination based on work and descent. Conference recognises the positive contribution to the Conference of Dalit representatives from India and of affected people from several […]


Conference strongly believes it is now time for the international community to end the ten year war and sanctions against Iraq. Conference further notes that United Nations Humanitarian Co-ordinator, Hans Von Sponeck, has directly attributed over 350 civilian deaths and 1,000 civilian casualties to the United States and United Kingdom bombing of Iraq over the […]

War on Palestine

This Conference notes with grave concern that: 1)The Israeli Government has declared war against the Palestinian Authority. The situation inside the compound of Palestine is very disturbing not only for Palestine but also for the international communities; 2)There have been no medical and food supplies left and that there are still casualties that require urgent […]


Conference looks forward to the return of Pakistan to full membership of the Commonwealth and recalls the commitment made by General Musharraf of a return of democratic government in Pakistan. We urge the National Black Members’ Committee, National Executive Council, International Committee, National Affiliated Political Fund and UNISON Link MPs to: 1)Press the Government of […]

War Against Terrorism and US Policy on Nuclear Weapons

Conference strongly believes that an inability to discover where Osama bin Laden is must not used as a pretext to extend the war against Afghanistan into other countries. The United States (US) has made it clear that it intends to send military action against Iraq, Somalia, Sudan or any of the 60 countries on the […]

Political Fund Review

The growing anger and frustration of UNISON members at New Labour’s continued attacks on public services, through privatisation, cuts and low wages, was reflected at last year’s National Delegate Conference. Conference notes that the decision of National Delegate Conference 2001 to review the Union’s political funds was rightly seen by our members and the media […]


This Conference expresses its deepest concern at the escalation and continuing acts of violence in the Middle East, whoever the authors may be. We believe that bloodshed will only cease when a degree of political perspective and dialogue is restored. Only then will a satisfactory solution be found to the Arab/Israeli conflict. Conference notes with […]


This Conference notes the increasing globalisation of trade in goods and services, and the powerful role played by transnational companies in this process. Conference also notes the huge increase in social inequality both within and between countries that engage in the global economy. Conference recognises that although international trade has the potential to lift millions […]

Directly Elected Mayors and Local Councils

Conference notes that the new Executive/Scrutiny split in the political structures of most local councils: 1)Reduces the role of back-bench councillors and leads to less accountability; 2)Reduces the ability of community campaigns to raise issues of concern to local people; 3)Can undermine the established industrial relations machinery and the effectiveness of the local union branch. […]

Elected Assemblies and Regional Government in England

This Conference notes that the creation of democratically elected Assemblies for the English Regions will have a major influence on the lives of trade union members. In those regions of the United Kingdom which now have devolved assemblies or parliaments, UNISON members can be rightly proud of the part it played in campaigning for these […]

Asylum Seekers

This Conference notes with grave concern the rising violence, state racism and inhumane treatment directed against asylum seekers in Britain and abroad in the past year. Conference further notes: 1)The horrific conditions which force asylum seekers to flee war-torn countries, as illustrated by the media coverage of the continuing war in Afghanistan; 2)The Home Secretary’s […]