Agenda for Change – Renegotiations

Agenda for Change Second Ballot

Decontamination Strategy

DECONTAMINATION STRATEGY Submitted by Eastern Regional Health Committee This conference expresses the greatest concern at the late involvement of UNISON in the “National Decontamination Strategy “ described in Health Circular HC/17/04 to branches on 10th March 2004. It appears from the information contained in the circular that decisions have already been made on future strategy […]

Service Group Structures Review

This Conference approves the report of the Local government Service Group Executive on the Review of the Service Group Structures.

Local Government Service Group Executive Report

This Conference receives the report of the Local Government Service Group Executive.

Joint Negotiating Committee for Youth and Community Workers

Conference notes that: Negotiations on the 2003 pay increase and restructuring of the JNC pay scales are still continuing. The employer’s negotiators and some elements of the staff side are remain resistant to UNISON’s recommendations that youth and community worker’s pay should be subject to equality proofing. Furthermore the majority of workers are part-time and […]

Violence in Social Care Field

Conference recognises that the vulnerability of children and adults with special needs or challenging behaviour is readily acknowledged by staff working in the social care field. However, Conference notes with concern both the increasing numbers of attacks on staff and also the increase in allegations of assault against staff and the lack of procedures and […]

National Workload and Remodelling of the School Workforce Agreement

This Conference urges the Service Group Executive to campaign as strongly as it can for the adequate central government funding of the National Workload and Remodelling of the school Workforce Agreement. They believe that repeated failure to do so makes a mockery of its claims that it wants to create a new way of working […]

Continuous Service in Local Government

Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to negotiate on improvements in the current policies regarding leave conditions. At present any time served in Local Government employment is discounted if a person leaves the service. If at a later stage a person rejoins Local Government they have to start as a new employee. Our members […]

Direct Payments

We recognise the introduction of Direct Payments could have a significant impact on UNISON members employed in local authorities. Direct Payments are where social work departments are required to offer payment to allow for purchase of private services, as an alternative to direct services. This could involve loss of jobs, changes to terms and conditions […]

Review of the National Lay Membership Structure

This conference notes the actions taken to date by the Executive regarding the review of the Energy, Transport and Water and Environment service group structures at national level. Conference notes the outcome of the consultation exercise with all three service groups. Conference further notes that the majority of Water and Environment branches who responded have […]

“Fresh Start” Initiative for Schools

This Local Government Service Group opposes the Government’s “Fresh Start” initiative, introduced purportedly to give support to schools deemed to be failing. The “Fresh Start” scheme is fatally flawed because it forces staff at a school to reapply for their jobs at a time when continuity of staff is most needed, for their knowledge of […]

Health and Safety

Conference notes with concern the lack of guidance and advice for branches relating to health and safety issues for police staff. More and more of our members are becoming ‘front-line staff’ yet information on health and safety for police specific issues is rare. The police service is going through many changes and branch resources are […]

Short -Term Funding

Conference notes the continued short-term funding for police staff for initiatives such as PSCOs and Custody Officers. Conference also notes that the short- term funding for Volume Crime Investigators is soon to run out. The reluctance of the Home Office to recognise that successful initiatives should be permanently funded is unacceptable. Continuance of this stance […]

Workforce Modernisation

Conference understands that the Home Office wishes to engage with UNISON and other stakeholders over a police pay and workforce strategy for England and Wales. Conference notes that this engagement may now take place in the context of the PSC Pay and Reward Review. Conference confirms that it wishes to see the following problems being […]