Investment in Public Transport

This Conference welcomes recent initiatives by the Government to invest in public transport within West Yorkshire, such as YellowBus, Yorcard and real time information, but notes with great concern that this is insufficient to redress the Tory legacy of inadequate investment in public transport provision. This Conference also notes that despite the recent problems with […]

Government 10 Year Transport Plan – The Role of the Workforce

Conference welcomes the Government’s decision to review progress on achieving the aims of its 10 Year Transport Plan which, so far, has failed to produce any major improvements in public transport provision, significantly reduce road congestion and reduce deaths and casualties on out roads and railways. Conference notes that policy makers often overlook the role […]

Police Community Support Officer Funding

This Conference is aware that Government funding for the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) employed by many police forces across the country is shortly to come to an end. Some police forces have indicated that they may not be able to maintain the levels of PCSOs that they currently employ when this funding runs out. […]

Service Group Executive

At the Service Group Seminar at Croyde Bay in 2003, the Service Group Executive were asked to report in full on the progress made towards achieving the goals of Composite C of the Service Group Conference 2003. Conference is dismayed that no report was given. This Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to prioritise the […]

Organising in the Voluntary and Community Sector

Conference agrees that our work in the Voluntary and Community sector (and also within private companies) is becoming of increasing importance. Many of our members work in small organisations, with few staff and consequently no stewards or activists. Many organisations do not recognise UNISON and their size leaves them outside the laws on trade union […]

Remodelling The School Workforce

This Conference recognises that the experience of school remodelling for our members has been largely negative and counterproductive. Whilst it is true that some branches have recruited large numbers of support staff to the union on the back of the agreement, as yet this has not resulted in any major improvements in terms and conditions. […]

Local Government Pension Scheme Pensions

This Conference calls upon the Government to reconsider changes in the Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS) which may be detrimental to our members. Such changes include: 1)from April 2004, the right to a return of pensions contributions are to be removed and immediate ‘vesting’ of pension rights will be introduce; 2)from April 2005, increasing the […]

National Agreement on Remodelling the School Workforce

This Regional Local Government Committee believes the National Agreement on Remodelling the School Workforce is a document, which should provide an opportunity to review and significantly improve the terms, conditions and working lives of school support staff. However for many branches the reality is that Headteachers and Governors, with the abrogation of the LEA of […]

Raising the Profile of Lesbian and Gay Self-Organisation in Colleges of Further Education

This Conference welcomes the call in the resolution “Branch, Steward and Workplace Organisation” of 2003 National Delegate Conference for the development of a programme of improving organisation in further education (FE) colleges. Conference believes that this programme should include initiatives to raise the profile of self-organisation in FE colleges and to encourage participation by FE […]

Access to Training and Development

The Police Staff membership has a long history of under investment by Police Management. Workplace learning and training opportunities to Police Staff has never been seen as a priority. It is often viewed as unnecessary by some employers or treated in a slipshod and half-hearted manner by others, who undervalue Police Staff and their role […]

Staffing Levels

Conference deplores the cost cutting measures used throughout the police service that major on reducing staff numbers to what is less than a safe minimum. Conference is concerned at the effect this has on an already dissatisfied public resulting in our members, and in turn their families, being placed under extreme stress. Conference notes the […]

Asserting Rights Under Race Relations Act(s)

Text removed for legal reasons

The Issue of Racism in the Twentieth Century

Conference notes the recent BBC programme blowing the whistle by extremists among Greater Manchester Police recruits. A member of one of the Manchester Local Authority equal opportunity forums indicated that he was horrified that one of the forums had not met in over a year at a time when equal opportunities and race issues are […]


Conference is concerned about the problems linked to complaints about racism in the workplace and the delays in addressing those complaints because employers seek to flout their responsibilities under the TUPE regulations. More public services are being transferred out of local authority control and as a result staff are now finding themselves based in the […]


To promote a more cohesive and inclusive relationship between black members in the regions and the National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC), Conference instructs the NBMC to: 1)prioritise the action plan for the following 12 months, based on the motions passed at the National Black Members Conference at the first meeting of the newly elected NBMC; […]