Growing the Union

UNISON as the biggest trade union should be congratulated on achieving growth in 2018. The whole union recruitment campaign demonstrated what can be achieved when all parts of the union work together. The Northern region believes the union should commit to this type of organising approach as a regular event. A core part of our […]

Fighting for an Accessible Welfare System

Conference notes that eligibility and assessment processes for welfare benefits and public services are rapidly moving to online platforms. For example, applications for Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit, Access to Work, and Universal Credit almost invariably need to be made online. Conversely, Personal Independence Payments (PIP) can only be applied for using a paper form, […]

UNISON Activists and Mental Health

Conference is concerned to note that increasingly both branch activists and lay officials are finding themselves suffering extreme stress and anxiety when dealing with the levels of case load that they are presented with. In some cases representatives in WET have been placed under extreme personal pressure by employers. Conference notes that these pressures on […]

Year of the Young Worker – Creating a Legacy For The Future

Conference welcomes TUC Year of the Young Worker and congratulates all of the work being planned nationally, in regions and branches to promote recruitment of young worker’s, improve participation of young worker representatives and highlight issues especially relevant to young workers. It notes examples like those in Eastern region, where Eastern region Young Members Committee […]

Suicide awareness training for stewards

With the appointment by the government of a minister who is tasked with reducing suicide rates nationally, the need for all stewards to be trained in suicide awareness has never been clearer. Suicide is everyone’s business and touches families whatever their class, age, gender or family situation. Last year nationally 6,213 people completed suicide and […]

Rule B Union Democracy

B 2.3 Delete “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members” and insert “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus (LGBT+) members” And D 5.1.4 Delete “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members” and insert “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus (LGBT+) members”

Fair representation of Black people in the recruitment process

In 2009, the Department for Work and Pensions embarked on an experiment to understand the scarcity of non-white faces in top managerial posts in UK organisations. 2,000 fake job applications were created in response to 1,000 real vacancies across multiple sectors, professions and pay grades. Similar CVs – one with a “traditional Anglo-Saxon” name and […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

UNISON is committed to fair representation and proportionality (Rule D4.1). However, within the WET sector we do not see enough Black members represented at branch, regional and national committee level. Raising the profile of Black activists within Water, Environment and Transport employers and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national […]

Tackling Racism at Work

Conference condemns the continuing rise is racism and fascism across the UK. Conference believes that those who face racism should be at the forefront of the campaign for race equality and that our self organised structures are integral to this work. Conference also believes that all members have a role and a responsibility to challenge […]

Rebuilding Collective Bargaining

Conference believes that collective bargaining coverage is crucial to the well-being of employees. Where pay and conditions are determined only by market mechanisms, employer discretion and legal minimums, employees invariably do not get a fair deal at work. Conference notes with concern that due to privatisation and outsourcing, a growing number of workers who deliver […]

Gun and Knife Crime – Time to Stop the Senseless Killings

The number of deaths as a result of gun and knife crime in London, and inner cities across the country, continues to make the news with the number of innocent lives lost seemingly increasing on a daily basis. The right wing press claim that the situation is a result of ‘lawless Britain’ but the truth […]

Nelson Mandela: Inspiring Future Generations

Conference notes that 2020 will be the 30 year anniversary of the release of Nelson Mandela from captivity. Conference believes that Mandela’s life, sacrifice and values are inspirational to us today in our struggle for justice and equality. Conference notes with pride the role of trade unionists in the Anti-Apartheid movement and that Nelson Mandela […]

Recruitment and Retention of Members

Conference notes with pride the increase in UNISON membership during 2018 and commends the effort made by branches and activists towards this significant achievement in the face of unrelenting Tory cuts to public services. Throughout the decade of austerity UNISON has managed to mitigate membership losses and recruit new activists through its key Meeting the […]

Violence and Aggression

Conference re-affirms its belief that violence and aggression against workers, whether physical, verbal or psychological, is not part of the job. Conference notes, and congratulates all those involved in the work across the union in the past year, in highlighting this as one of UNISON’s key campaigning issues. It notes that UNISON has long campaigned […]

Make 2021 the Year of Disabled Workers

Conference believes that one of UNISON’s strengths lies in its recognition of the value and unique experiences disabled people bring to the workplace and to our union. UNISON recognises that people are disabled by societal and environmental barriers rather than their medical condition. Conference, commends the work of UNISON’s National Disabled Members Committee to raise […]